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Re: Open Source Group Spares Novell

Tim Smith wrote:

> In article <f3oipq$pk6$1@xxxxxxxx>,
>  Geico Caveman <spammers-go-here@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Since you feel compelled to spread possibly untrue and certainly
>> unsubstantiated reports, do we assume correctly that you are currently
>> indulging in a pump and dump scheme with regards to your Microvell stock
>> ?
>> Bailo, you should know that that is illegal and you could end up facing a
>> long time behind bars for something like this.
> No, spreading stories that have been published by a major wire service
> and picked up by the press around the world is not illegal.

A major wire service with a record of being inaccurate about open source ?
You might as well get your Iraq news from Fox.

> Sure, reporters at wire services might not be in the same league as
> Roy's anonymous (and probably imaginary) sources...

Most of Roy's sources tend to be cross-referenced and his stories actually
turn out to be true. Unlike Reuters that has been discredited more than
once about its reporting on open source.

Bailo on the other hand, has freely admitted a financial interest in NOVL,
and given how NOVL has tanked over the last many years, it makes far more
sense that he is indulging in fancy footwork here. I think his senility is
just a cover.

However, I agree with you on one point - Bailo's posting these stories
becomes illegal only if he is a company insider gearing up to dump his
stock. Which is not something I would put past the realm of possibility.
Windows fans don't worship Microsoft, Linux fans don't worship Red Hat,
Mandriva or Canonical. This strange love of a company is suspect (for
someone unemployed by the company), and unlike Apple's (or Ferrari's) fans,
Bailo cannot hide behind being a member of cult (since Novell has never had
a cult following).

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