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Re: [News] [Linux] Torvalds Likes Tivoization, GPLv3 Misconceptions Rebutted

Mark Kent wrote:

< snip >
> He fails to understand why GPLV3 is important, but then, so does Peter
> K.

I happen to think that I do very well understand why people think that the
GPL3 is so important to them.
And I think the reasons given so far are about the shittiest ones anyone
could come up with.
I dispise a "licence" which wants to lessen users choices for no good
reasons at all. Figthing patents with copyright licenses (which the GPL
essentially is) is the most idiotic idea anyonme could possibly have

*If* the linux kernel would be GPL3 *now* the howling and wailing could be
heard in Andromeda, because people could kiss a lot of hardware goodbye

How much more hypocritical could people get then?
They want the GPL3 now because currently id does not hurt them, because the
kernel is still at GPL2.

Gods, those double-standards simply piss me off
Avoid reality at all costs.

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