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Re: [News] [Linux] Linspire Site Gives Microsoft the Finger on Patent Deals

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ____/ BearItAll on Tuesday 19 June 2007 14:54 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Mandriva and Microsoft
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | 
>>> | By reading the speculations about this so far, it all seems like 99%
>>> | FUD to me while the only valid reasoning behind the speculations being
>>> | the fact that a few other vendors has already done so..
>>> `----
>> One sheep jumps over the fence, then another does it, then in a short
>> time you have all the sheep that were in the field jumping over the
>> fence. The busy M1 motorway was probably not the best place in the world
>> for these sheep to graze.
>> The 'he did it so we should do it' attitude is alright for sheep but not
>> really what's expected of humans.
>> I really do wish that MS were genuine about wanting to be in Linux, both
>> sides could do with sharing, we could share a fantastic OS, MS could
>> share
>> erm         erm?                 a really kewl logo developing
>> department? Yes, MS can produce the teeshirts.
> Oops. I put "Linpire" in the subject line. Freudian slip. Should be
> "Mandriva". As I said before, it's not going to happen.

Your mistake actually casts the problem in a different light.
All distro makers should publicly condemn Micoshaft tactics and those
that join it, and publicly give the finger to all of them.

That way they let developers know that they are not wasting time
contributing to that distro.

Everyone else who can't make such a declaration are living on
borrowed time and may as well fall by the wayside now rather
than delay the inevitable downfall of their distro.

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