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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft is PAYING Linux Vendors to Accept 'Blame'

____/ Guy Fawkes on Monday 18 June 2007 05:34 : \____

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote
> news:17663843.GMssTQatvA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> From http://www.groklaw.net/newsitems.php
>> [PJ: Actually, I went to USPTO and did a simple search and I can't find
>> any
>> [Linspire] patents at all. So what kind of patent deal is this, and what
>> precisely is Microsoft paying Linspire for? It can't be interoperability.
>> You can do that with Linux anyway, without any need for an agreement.
>> Yet, news reports are saying Linspire got some money. So if that is true,
>> what was it for? And if it's a straight patent license, how is it not a
>> violation of GPLv2, let alone v3?]
> My guess is that Microsoft is trying to gain some kind of 'control' over
> Linux, primarily through commercial companies, who can easily be pressured
> or suckered into making a deal if you hand them some money. Linux cannot
> be controlled or killed by Microsoft, but commercial companies can.
> By getting some control over Linux companies Microsoft can smother them by
> playing favorites. Let's say Red Hat was foolish enough to sign on, then
> they would probably favor Novell for some time thereby weakining Red Hat.
> Once Red Hat has been weakened enough they'd dump Novell too (and all
> those other suckers that signed on).

They already discriminate against non-Novell Linuxes (e.g. in their
hypervisor, Windows branch of OpenOffice with extra 'blobs').

                ~~ Best of wishes

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