On Sun, 17 Jun 2007 16:04:48 +0000, Linonut wrote:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, Jonathan Byrd belched out this bit o'
> wisdom:
>> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:i4tfk4-5sh.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Data Replication Suite
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | I frequent the Usenet newsgroup microsoft.public.windows.vista |
>>> | .general, a newsgroup for questions about Microsoft's new operating
>>> | system Vista.
>>> |
>>> | You wouldn't believe how rude and crude people are in that
>>> newsgroup. | Especially the folks who don't like Vista; the users who
>>> think | Windows XP or some flavor of Linux are so much better than
>>> Windows | Vista.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.ajc.com/services/content/metro/gwinnett/stories/2007/06/17/0617agwxgwinletts.html?cxtype=rss&cxsvc=7&cxcat=13
>> Translation - A bunch of linux using quacks and trolls have invaded the
>> Windows newsgroups.
> How can that be, "Manny" Nyms?
> Or do you go to Windows newsgroups pretending to be a Linux or Mac user,
> and Mac newsgroups pretending to be a Windows or Linux user, or do you
> do like you do here, and just generally be a brainless nuisance?
I read that group a lot since about a couple of months. there is truth in
the claim there are some Linux trolls. I don't understand why they do that
but it's the same psychology as for trolls everywhere.
but there also seem to be a lot of Windows users who are discontent with,
and some even contemptuous of, Vista. they want their XP back.
my own interest is to see what the issues are - the kinds of problems and
solutions and whatever interesting features there are. I don't mind
reading some 'advocacy' though, as in this group, it too often too quickly
devolves into name-calling and insults.
the Linux-oriented there seem to favor Ubuntu.
I am trying to puzzle out how the Vista UAC works. a lot of hassles around
that, it seems.