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Re: Linux desktop "Killer Apps"

After takin' a swig o' grog, Kelsey Bjarnason belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> While we're on about KDE... XP adopted this notion of hiding systray icons
> (making one wonder why have 'em there in the first place?  If they're that
> important, you don't want 'em hidden...)  KDE, here at least, uses
> multiple rows, so you can actually see all your systray apps.  Hardly
> magic, but it's just one more in a whole long string of things that make
> Linux, for me, easier, friendlier, better to use.

Actually, you can make the Toolbar+Systray much greater in height, so it
can display more icons and systray apps without hiding them.  See? Even
Windows has some nice touches.

And you're 'touched' if you use it.  (Couldn't resist that one!)

Tux rox!

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