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Re: Free/OS Software Encourages Software to Improve, Cutomers Honoured

In article <pan.2007.>, 
vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx says...
> On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 03:23:51 -0800, Reporter wrote:
> > On Mar 9, 10:42 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > wrote:
> >> "Open Source Means You Have to Be Better."
> >>
> >> ,----[ Quote ]
> >> | How can a company give away its flagship product and still make money?
> >> | Ask Red Hat, because it's doing a great job at doing just that.
> >> |
> >> | [...]
> >> |
> >> | But I digress. With Red Hat Linux, what you see is what there is.
> >> | There's nothing sneaky. You don't to set up a special server to
> >> | calculate your software license costs and to monitor compliance. You
> >> | don't need to phone home to the mother ship for permission for every
> >> | little thing. Service contracts are priced per machine, not per CPU
> >> | or CPU core. The stormtroopers, pardon me, that's such a common typo
> >> | that I make all the time, I mean the Business Software Alliance (BSA)
> >> | won't raid your premises, turn your business inside out, and then
> >> | demand tribute. Red Hat doesn't treat customers like enemies, and
> >> | they don't put up artificial barriers to lock customers in.
> >> `----
> >>
> >> http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/3664736
> > 
> > Open Source means you are a Geek who spits in the faces of your
> > customers. You whine about Microsoft predatory practices then impugn
> > your credibility by claiming Microsoft has no market share.  Your
> > documents take forever to download from the internet.  The dates,
> > scope, and applicability of your documentation is vague and
> > inconsistent.  You beat your chest, hang from a tree by one hand, and
> > eat your banana.  You are a zoo exhibit.
> And you are a lying idiot.

He's an unhappy fool being led around with an MS ring in his nose. Please 
just killfile the thing.

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