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Re: Foresight Linux Live CD

__/ [ Kier ] on Saturday 10 March 2007 11:04 \__

> Just a quick review of this new Live CD, which features the latest Gnome.
> Booted up fine, and detected all my hardware with no problems (some
> distros don't like my graphics card, but this was quite happy with it,
> although no 3D, obviously). My wacom graphics tablet was detected
> perfectly too, which is not always the case.
> Very nice-looking desktop, with the familiar Gnome look in Foresights
> usual style, with a pleasant green theme and background. As it's a Gnome
> showcase, we have Evolution and Epiphany, Abiword, F-Spot and Banshee, and
> GIMP, not quite the latest version but newer than the one I'm used to.
> Unfortunately, not all the apps would open. Some did, and worked
> perfectly, but others simply refused to show up. And in common with some
> other Live CDs of the Gnome persuasion, my existing drives weren't mounted.
> Abiword worked well, with a good selection of fonts from the Linux and
> Windows world available. But while Epiphany did work, it eventually froze
> the desktop completely while accessing the Linux Format web page,
> necessitating a reboot.
> However, as this is the Foresight team's first attempt at a live CD, and I
> have only tested it on one machine, it doesn't rate a total thumbs-down. I
> should like to have tested Last-Exit (or was it Next-Exit? :-)) a new
> piece of software int he Sound and Video category, but as a regular Gnome
> user I'm familiar with most of the apps like Banshee and Totem, anyway,
> and I know they work.
> So, worth a look? On balance, yes. All it cost me was a longish torrent
> download, a CD and a couple of reboots. And if you haven't looked at Gnome
> lately and want to see what it's about, there are worse ways to check it
> out.

To be fair, it's a development release (and the first of its kind). I think
it was only announced a couple of days ago and the Web site hides it (trust
me, I tried to find it, but maybe it was just mentioned somewhere in the
mailing list/s and DW).

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Gas, brake, honk! Honk, honk, punch! Gas, gas!
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