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[News] Microsoft Lobbying in Washington for More Control Over Net

Tech giants' lobbying effort at a crucial turning point

,----[ Quote ]
| When Microsoft Corp. delivers a mysterious prototype for government
| testing this coming week, it will mark a crucial juncture for a 
| high-stakes bid to change the way consumers get their Internet access.
| That bid has cast Microsoft and a group of powerful allies fromS
| ilicon Valley in the relatively unfamiliar role of Washington
| policy players. 
| [...]
| 'The telephone companies are terrified they'll lose 40% of their wireless 
| minutes'



Gates calls for 'infinite' H-1Bs, better schools

,----[ Quote ]
| Politicians indicated they're also willing to take cues from Gates
| as they craft new laws in the immigration area. In his testimony,
| Gates said there's only one way to solve what he deemed a
| "crisis"-level shortage of qualified scientific talent: "Open our
| doors to highly talented scientists and engineers who want to live,
| work and pay taxes here."


Bill Gates to address Senate panel

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is scheduled to descend on Capitol Hill
| next week to pepper a U.S. Senate committee with his suggestions for
| boosting American competitiveness.


Politics and tech companies: follow the money

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft took first place with $651,100 given out, while
| Hewlett-Packard gave only $185,550, and Gateway gave a paltry
| $2,000. Microsoft's donations certainly illustrate well the true
| size of the company and the extent of its political concerns.


Microsoft to join municipal Wi-Fi fray

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is jumping into the municipal wireless space with a deal
| to provide local content and ads for MetroFi's free wireless
| Internet service in Portland, Ore., by the end of this year,
| the companies are expected to announce on Wednesday.


FCC Endorses Broadband over Powerline

,----[ Quote ]
| The Federal Communications Commission on Friday gave a big boost
| to Broadband over Powerline (BPL), classifying the technology as
| an "information service."


Gates to generate your electricity

,----[ Quote ]
| His personal investment vehicle -- a nice drive if you can afford
| it -- Cascade Investments is today expected to partner with New
| Mexico-based PNM Resources on electricity generation and trading.


Microsoft Looks Within to Design and Test Chips

,----[ Quote ]
| For more than two decades, Microsoft's software and
| Intel's processors were so wedded that the pairingc
| ame to be known as Wintel. But as that computing era
| wanes, Microsoft is turning to a new source of chip
| design: its own labs.


Microsoft takes it to the bank

,----[ Quote ]
| Is the world ready for Microsoft Banking? Banks are traditionally
| very conservative with their software and hardware choices, and
| most still rely on expensive mainframes with multiple levels of
| failure protection. However, banks are also making a huge push
| to expand into other services, such as investment planning, and
| all these new services require new software. If they are
| successful, Microsoft will be laughing all the way to the, er, bank.


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