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Re: [News] The Advantages and the Reasons to Use Linux

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Friday 09 March 2007 16:32 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Friday 09 March 2007 14:42 \__
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> Why feed trolls when the weather forecast is so positive? Troll posts
>>>> today can almost be counted with one hand...
>>> Fair point.  There are only a tiny handful of them now, I know.  I do
>>> wonder if some of our bigger guns haven't been moved onto other jobs?
>> Keep an eye on Wikipedia.
> I'm getting a 404 on that one...

HPT recently showed us that CNN removes articles that are not favourable to
Microsoft (or favourable to Linux) from its archive. If you search for this
post, you'll find it. Maybe a bit presumptous, but lest we forget...
Microsoft owns the media.

Related stories:

Bill Gates lends cash to buy newspapers - $350 million to MediaNews

,----[ Quote ]
| Gates involvement has been very behind the scenes. In fact many of
| those involved in the deal didn'teven know he was one of the investors.
| It was carried out through the Gates Foundation, the world's largest
| philanthropy outfit.


NY Times rattles IT industry with analyst ban

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking of which, let's see what triggered the Enderle/Microsoft
| ban.
| In a story about Microsoft's XBox, Enderle described the direct
| relationship between the game console, download services and the TV.


Microsoft Press Releases: Read Between the Lines

,----[ Quote ]
| We have a game we play around the office here with Microsoft press
| releases. The game is called Find the words that make the headline
| true. It's not always easy.
| [...]
| Our point: Microsoft has a long history of using press releases top
| romote their product momentum in shall we say interesting ways,
| using words like "fastest growing" (meaning, the number we started
| with was really really small) to redefining words such as "sold."
| It's not good marketing practice. Why? Because once consumers and
| press people figure out you are playing lawyer, they stop believing
| you and your brand. And that's more likely to do you harm than good.


Microsoft's Xbox 360 US sales-NPD story withdrawn

,----[ Quote ]
| The Los Angeles story headlined "Microsoft's Xbox 360 US sales
| top first Xbox--NPD" is withdrawn because the data supporting the
| story may be inaccurate. Reuters is waiting for an update from the
| company. A new story may be issued.


Microsoft Xbox to Join the Battle for Video Downloading

,----[ Quote ]
| Editors' Note: November 10, 2006, Friday An article in Business Day
| on Tuesday described a decision by Microsoft to offer movies and
| episodes of television shows for downloading through its Xbox Live
| online service in the United States.
| The article quoted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle
| Group, discussing the features that set Xbox Live service apart
| and its position in the market.
| But the article did not note that Mr. Enderle had Microsoft as a client,
| a fact later pointed out by a reader. Mr. Enderle does consulting work
| for several of Microsoft's product groups, though not for the one
| developing the Xbox; still, had The Times known of Mr. Enderle's work
| for Microsoft, it would not have sought out his opinion on the product. 


Corporate Propaganda Still On the News: Study Finds Local Stations
Overwhelmingly Fail to Disclose VNRs

,----[ Quote ]
| A new study by the Center for Media and Democracy says Americans are
| still being shown corporate public relations videos disguised as news
| reports on newscasts across the country.


Wrong Yesterday Wrong Today Wrong Tomorrow

,----[ Quote ]
| I just got through watching a segment on the Today Show on NBC
| highlighting the launch of the Microsoft Zune.
| First of all, I thought journalists were suppose to reveal their
| affiliations with any product if such an affiliation exists.
| Microsoft owns a stake in NBC ie MSNBC News Network.
| [...]
| Second, all the side by side product comparisons showed 4th Gen iPods
| with monochrome screens with no song selected or playing, while the
| Zune was playing a video.
| [...]
| This isn't the first time NBC has misled its morning viewers with
| puff pieces about the Zune.


Should MSNBC really be "reviewing" (Microsoft's) Gears of War?

,----[ Quote ]
| MSNBC recently reviewed Gears of War, calling it the Xbox 360's first
| killer app.... Nowhere on the page is any indication of the possible
| ethical issue MSNBC is "Microsoft-NBC", and the site is hosted as a 
| subdomain of msn.com (a major Microsoft portal). Is this really balanced 
| journalism?


Has Demetri Martin Jumped the Shark by Getting Into Bed with Microsoft?
Clarification on "Clearification" Marketing Campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| When I first saw the Clearification website, I just thought it was
| Demetri's new project. But I did wonder why the videos were of such
| high production value. Turns out that Microsoft is footing the bill
| to not only this site, but are also underwritting his current tour.


                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | #FFFFFFF4 ADD &R1, "9999999", &BankAccount
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