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Re: [News] The Advantages and the Reasons to Use Linux

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Mark Kent
on Fri, 9 Mar 2007 16:32:49 +0000
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Friday 09 March 2007 14:42 \__
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> Why feed trolls when the weather forecast is so positive? Troll posts
>>>> today can almost be counted with one hand...
>>> Fair point.  There are only a tiny handful of them now, I know.  I do
>>> wonder if some of our bigger guns haven't been moved onto other jobs?
>> Keep an eye on Wikipedia.
>> http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/internet/01/24/microsoft.wikipedia.ap/index.html
> I'm getting a 404 on that one...

A search on "microsoft wikipedia" in CNN coughed up


which is nice to Linus Torvalds, but a bit dated, since
it came out in 2006. :-)

Personally, I don't mind much Linus being a recluse.
It probably gives him a chance to do the normal things
without being constantly watched, critiqued, and stuck in
the public eye.  (Like putting his pants on, going
out to the theater/restaurants/etc., and just being.)

Paris "Wow, I'm blonde but I can't drive" Hilton may be
cute but she's so....*public*.  :-P

Ditto for Ann "My Adam's Apple is bigger than yours"
Coulter, Britney "Oops, I shaved it again" Spears, Mel
"Damn I'm anti-Semitic" Gibson, George "I married a
librarian" Bush, Dick "Go do something with yourself"
Cheney, and a few other individuals who have made it a
point of embarrassing themselves in public.

(Including Gates and Ballmer.)

A Google search on Microsoft Wikipedia coughed up a few
things, apparently along the lines of Microsoft paying
someone to go and correct Wikipedia entries.  While this
in itself isn't too bad a thing, there's a line that
is way too easy to cross between correcting techical
errata and changing opinions.  (I myself have corrected
an occasional typo in a Wiki entry.  It's simple to do,
but I limit myself to fixing annoying typos, and only
when I get very annoyed. :-)  One can only take so many
"mute points", for example...)

I also found




so apparently it wasn't an employee but a blogger.
To be somewhat fair, the articles being corrected were
apparently written by one of Microsoft's competitors,
namely IBM.  I don't see a love fest between those two
companies anytime soon, even given the more than 10 years'
duration since their breakup over OS/2.

However, I don't see IBM making any egregrious mistakes in
evaluating a competitor's product, either; this is a subtle
piece of work regardless of how one spins it.  Too subtle
for me, anyway. :-)

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Murphy was an optimist.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

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