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Re: NOMINATION: OotHS Re: Windows Programming Documentation is Poor, Says Reg

  • Subject: Re: NOMINATION: OotHS Re: Windows Programming Documentation is Poor, Says Reg
  • From: Art Deco <erfc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 10:50:15 -0700
  • Mail-copies-to: nobody
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy, alt.usenet.kooks
  • Organization: Octanews
  • References: <1173453067.692162.78400@64g2000cwx.googlegroups.com> <esru0i$vud$01$1@news.t-online.com> <pan.2007.>
  • User-agent: Thoth/1.8.2 (Carbon/OS X)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:503055
The Demon Prince of Absurdity <absurd_number_of_nicks@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:21:16 +0100, Peter Köhlmann did the cha-cha, and
>> The racist, liar and software thief Gary Stewart (flatfish) nymshifted:
>> < snip flatfish droppings >
>> You are now at an alltime low, flatfish Outright identity theft is your
>> game now
>> You lately nymshifted to
>> Abbie Diaz, Aftab Singh, Allen Cusimano, Allie Perkins, Allison Juergans,
>> allison_hunt1969, Alicia Hunt, Ana Thema, andyschipowitz, Anna Banger,
>> anonymous, Archie, Archie Moss Bunker, Archie Watermann, Baba Booey,
>> Babcock Johnson, babcock.latreen, Babu Singh, Bill Thomson, Billy
>> <billy.the.kidd>,bill.gates.loves.me, BingoBongo, bison, Bjarne Jensen,
>> bjornstad8800, BklynBoy, bonobo magilla, Boyce Mabri, BSEE, Bunsen Burner,
>> Buster, c.baumstumpff, CBFalconer, Charles LeGrand, Charlie, Choppers
>> McGee, Chris Thomas, Christine Abernathy, Claire Lynn, Clippy, Clock King,
>> Collie Entragion, Colon Singh, common cold, compton.plaines_kid, Connie
>> Hines, Corrie, corry.lebeu, Corrie Titlaand, Cory Dyvik, Curtis Wilson,
>> cymon.says,  Damian O'Leary, Dana Bush, Danny Kwong, dbx_boy, Deadpenguin,
>> Debbie, Devon Dawson, dismoqualifetch, Donn Carlsbad, Doug Richardson,
>> Dragon.Boy, Dr.Long John Jones, dy.sector, echo.valley_26809, Elliot
>> Zimmermann, Elwin Winters, Emmanuel Arias, Fawn Lebowitz, flatfish+++,
>> foamy, frank boson, Franz Klammer, Fred Simmons, gabriele howorth, Gary
>> Stewart, GayClod, George Cotton, George Littlefield, Gilbert, Gilbert
>> Goiter, Gilbert Hochaim, gilligan, Greg Finnigan, Greg Laplante, Hans
>> Kimm, Hans Tomlinson, Harry Hilton, Harvey Fogel, Heather, Heather69,
>> Heather Trax, Heddy Seafield, Heidi van Wong, helmut.ginter, hepcat,
>> high_pain_humper, Hugh Himless, Ishmeal Hafizi, itchy balls, Ivan
>> Mctavish, IvanaB, Jason, jeff.smiley, Jeff Szarka, jjwassermann, Joe
>> Josephson, John, John Shelton, Jorge Jorgensen, jorge_shillingford, Jose
>> Lopez, juke_joint, kaptain kaput, Karel Olish,  karen.bullfinch, Karen
>> Hill, Karla Snodgress, kathy_krantz, Kaylie Solomon, Kendra, Kenneth
>> Downs, Kenny Dugan, Kent Dorfman, Ken Johnson, Kim Coinop, Kinglen Wang,
>> Kristen, kumba killington, Kurt Janker, Kyle Cadet, L Didio, Laura
>> Shillingford, Le Farter, Le Yammy, Leaking Onion, Leo Diaz, Les Cramer,
>> Les Turner, Les Walton, Leslie Bassman, Lilly, Lindy, linux.curious, Linux
>> Exposer, Lisa Shavas, Lisa Cottmann, Lois Hunt, Long, long_tong_ling,
>> Lukumi Babalu Aye, Luna Lane, Major Mynor, Manny, Mario Fermin, McSwain,
>> mista twista,Mogumbo, Moses, Mooshoo Bong Singh,
>> narrows_whitefish@xxxxxxxxx, nate_mcspook, Navid Shakibapour, okto_pussy,
>> organ.creep, OSS KDE User, Paddy  McCrockett, Paul Wannamaker, Paris
>> Marriot, Patricia, Patrick Landrum, Patty LeGrange, patty pippins, Patty
>> Poppins, percy samson, Peter Gluckman, Peter Kohlmann, peter.traphagen,
>> Phil, Phillip Cornwall, phoung, phoung quoak, pickle_pete, Piss Clam,
>> Poopy Pants McGee, Quimby, Quinton Magee, Quizno Backer, Ray
>> Schitzmepantz, Reporter, Rich, Richard P. Johnson, Richie, Richie O'Toole,
>> Richie Spano, Robert Strunk, rothstein_ivan, Roy_Pestowitz,
>> Roy.Schavedmenutz, Roy.Schavesmewankz,  Roy.Schitzowitz, RP Modell, Sally
>> Vadi, Sammy, Sammy Whalen, Saul Goldblatt, schavemetitz, Schestertitz,
>> schestowizzle, schestowitz, schitzmepantz, schisterwitz, Schlomo
>> Smykowski, Sharon Cackle, Sharon Hubbasland, Sean, Sean Fitzhenry, Sean
>> Macpherson, Sewer Rat, sewer_clown, Shelly K., Sherlock Holmes , Schlomo
>> Rabinowitz, Simon, simply.lisa, sista sledgehammer, slacker.mcspritze,
>> Spammy_Davis, spanny_davis, Stefan Karstensen, Stephan Simonsen,
>> Stephanie, Stephanie Mannerz, Stephen, Stephen Olsen, Stephen Townshend,
>> stomach.pump, SuckyB, Sue, sue quinterra, SunnyB, Susan, Susan Bladder,
>> Susan Lapinski, Susan Wong, Suzi Wong, Suzie Wong, Swampee, Ted
>> Bennington, Terri Sorensen, Terry Porter, The Beaver, Thorsten, Thorsten
>> Thigpen, Timmy Luncford , Toby Rastus Roosovelt III, toe.mein, Tomas
>> Bicsak, tomas.bozak, Tomas Dunton, Tomas Lucatorto, Tori, Tori Wassermann,
>> Torre Stanslaand, Trace Dennison, Tracee, Traci, traci.pusey, Traci
>> Spritzendrainer, trailerpark, Trina Swallows, Trolly, Trudi Simpkins,
>> Tryxie Lustern, Uday Shankar, victimizedb, victimizedbyms, Vince Fontain,
>> Vladimir Yepifano, Walter Bubniak, Wang Mycock, Wasser, wendy, Wendy Duzz,
>> Wendy Toiletwater, Whizzer, Wilbur J, willy watkins jr, Willy Wong,
>> wiltons_pypes, Winnie Septos, wizard.shot, Wobbles, Yanick Schmuley and
>> zyklon_C. Plus many, many, many more.
>Order of the Holey Sockpuppet
>A special Kookternity comprised of those most prolific in the art of,
>albeit thinly, disguising their net.presence behind whatever nose and
>glasses they can concoct. A Kook Art that came into its own, and received
>its name, from the work of the late purveyor to the cotton-bound masses,
>Earl Curley.
>In that case, Gary "flatfish" Stewart is hereby nominated for the Order
>of the Holey Sockpuppet, on the basis of the above, and pending further
>evidence in terms of message IDs and IP addresses. IP traces would also

Oh my yes.

Supreme Leader of the Brainwashed Followers of Art Deco

"To err is human, to cover it up is Weasel" -- Dogbert

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