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Re: Will he win?

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

__/ [ Robert Newson ] on Wednesday 07 March 2007 19:26 \__

According to the EULA, all he's entitled to is $5.00 (or something like
that), not the $200,000 he's seeking.  If he wins [wc]ould it open the
floodgates for compensation for the effects of Zombies[1], etc?

[1] I get numerous attempts by Windwos zombies at cracking my Linux box.

The liability issue when it comes to zombies is a very fascinating one. Bear in mind that not weak passwords are to blame.

=== Begin quote ==

Ah, from the horse's mouth: Microsoft just might be held legally responsible
for selling software that is insecure.

== End quote ==


Which brings an interesting twist to the American[?] school teacher whose computer splatted pr0n that her kiddies saw and so she has been villified[1]. If, as has been suggested, it was a rogue, remote attack (malware), [cw]ould she sue MS for compensation for her lost job, career, etc caused by the insecure OS - /known/ by MS to be insecure (christmas advice 2003) - sold to an environment where kids are expected to be (ie a school, especially as MS pushes hard^W^Winstalls^Wdonates computer equipment to schools) and the effects of zombies and insecurities are well known (a proportion of the attacks on my Linux box are Winwos pop-up windows telling me[2] that I need to download a registry cleaner/fixer).

[1] Or whatever: her career is in ruins, etc.

[2] Well, they /would/ tell me if they got through to me[3]

[3] They fail because (a) they're for windwos & (b) they get burnt up on entry [to my firewall - but are logged for my curiousity/data collection].

How NSA access was built into Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A careless mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that
| special access codes prepared by the US National Security Agency
| have been secretly built into Windows.
| | [...]
| | The first discovery of the new NSA access system was made two years
| ago by British researcher Dr Nicko van Someren. But it was only a
| few weeks ago when a second researcher rediscovered the access
| system. With it, he found the evidence linking it to NSA.


Data Protection Commissioner criticizes search of private PCs online

,----[ Quote ]
| "In the case of a search via the Internet a police officer covertly,
| without the person knowing about it, accesses a person's computer."
| During such an operation he or she might copy data and obtain all
| kinds of personal documents; the police officer was acting as a "state
| hacker," so to speak. Mr. Schaar observed. "Such an approach is in
| conflict with the legal obligation to protect the core of
| individuals' privacy," Mr. Schaar stated emphatically.


Could Hollywood hack your PC?

,----[ Quote ]
| Congress is about to consider an entertainment industry proposal
| that would authorize copyright holders to disable PCs used for
| illicit file trading.


NSA Builds Security Access Into Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A careless mistake by Microsoft programmers has shown that special access
| codes for use by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) have been secretly
| built into all versions of the Windows operating system.


-- Outgoing mail certified virus free... It has gone nowhere near a Windwos machine before my ISP. I am the "ILOVEGNU" signature virus. Just copy me to your signature. This email was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.

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