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Re: [News] UK Government Study: Linux Servers Last Twice as Long as Windows Servers

[H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx> espoused:
> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> Report: Linux, open source greener than Windows
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | A new report from the U.K. Office of Government Commerce about
>> | Open Source Software Trials in Government, has found that servers
>> | running Linux could combat the rising problem of e-waste because
>> | they last up to twice as long as machines running Windows.
>> `----
>> http://tinyurl.com/38cge3
>> Let's not forget about the new and fascinating talks about Open
>> Source in the UK. We seem to be heading somewhere...
> There seems to be a very proactive drive towards less proprietary
> solutions in the UK. First the government offices, then extended civil
> services, then schools. Once schoolchildren are educated in a *nix
> environment (exposure) then the next generation will have more of a
> disposition towards it, and "Open" ideals. Gradually proprietary (home
> Desktop) software will become irrelevant, and even non-bespoke
> (shrink-wrapped) proprietary software for enterprise too.
> Of course there will always be a market for bespoke solutions, but
> more and more of those solutions will likely be Open Standard, Open
> Source, delivered by 2nd tier solutions providers, with specific
> implementations, rather than top-down proprietary solutions. It's more
> or less like that already, in the main.

I completely agree with you, but, there's no particular reason why bespoke
solutions should be proprietary, is there?  There is no significant
difference between getting bespoke development done where you own or
share the code, and the same thing where you do not, /except/ that in
the proprietary case, where you are over a barrel from the moment it has
been produced.

So, I'd say that there is going to be significant growth in software
houses which specialise in make bespoke versions of free packages, and
supporting them, on a paid-for-work basis.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
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