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[News] UK Government Study: Linux Servers Last Twice as Long as Windows Servers

Report: Linux, open source greener than Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A new report from the U.K. Office of Government Commerce about Open
| Source Software Trials in Government, has found that servers running
| Linux could combat the rising problem of e-waste because they last
| up to twice as long as machines running Windows.


Let's not forget about the new and fascinating talks about Open Source in the
UK. We seem to be heading somewhere...


Linux Could Prevent Use of 4,200,000,000 kg of Fossil Fuels a Year

,----[ Quote ]
| It turns out that machines that use Linux go obsolete roughly half as
| fast as Windows machines. And when they do go obsolete, it's because
| of hardware, not software (the switch from floppy drives to CD-Rs
| being a prime cause.) Thus, a world using Linux would be a world
| with half the computer waste (and, admittedly, halved sales for Dell
| and the rest.)
| A widespread switch to Linux could prevent literally hundreds of
| thousands of tons of waste from going into landfills every year.
| Every computer not needed would prevent the use of 240 kg of fossil
| fuels. Spread that out over the 17.5 million computers that wouldn't
| be going obsolete every year and Linux could deliver the world a
| much more sustainable future.
| The good news is, the world looks like it's ready to upgrade from
| Windows. Most of Asia has switched, as least in part, to Open
| Source Software (OSS); some countries, such as Indonesia, also 
| think that Linux changes scofflaws into legit users. Cuba has
| reported a 500 percent increase in Linux installation in
| two years...


Vista poses environmental dangers

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Vista could have serious environmental implications,
| experts have warned.
| The latest version of Windows uses encryption methods that are
| incompatible with some older PCs. It also features high-end
| graphics capabilities that can only run on newer hardware.


Greenpeace: Vista could trigger a deluge of electronic waste

,----[ Quote ]
| Beau Baconguis of the Southeast Asia section of the environmental
| protection organization Greenpeace has warned that the introduction
| by Microsoft of its new operating system Windows Vista might as a
| side effect trigger a deluge of electronic waste (E-waste). "With
| Vista, Microsoft could effectively hasten the obsolesence of half
| the world's PCs, especially in the absence of fully-functioning
| global take back systems for PCs," Ms. Baconguis declared.


Vista gets slated - by the Greens

,----[ Quote ]
| The Green Party has slammed Microsoft and it's forthcoming operating
| system, Windows Vista, in a withering attack on the company's "monopoly".
| Microsoft not only takes criticism for allegedly environmentally
| unfriendly policies, but for attacking civil liberties.
| The party claims that "Vista gives Microsoft the ability to lock
| you out of your computer," and that "Microsoft are determined not
| to play fair" in the video content market.


Use GNU/Linux and help save the planet

,----[ Quote ]
| Are Windows users, not by choice, the worst polluters of the planet
| relative to GNU/Linux? Well, not intentionally but the lifecycle of
| a machine running Windows must be shorter than that of a
| conscientious Linux user who can prevent that old 400MHZ Celeron PC
| with 128MBs of memory gathering dust in the corner from heading for
| the scrapheap. 
| [...]
| The Chinese have a saying: the journey of a thousand miles begins
| with the first step. Reusing a puffing and wheezing old computer
| by installing a minimal GNU/Linux distro and staving off the day
| when it trudges forlornly to the scrapheap is at least a baby step
| in the right direction.


Going green

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is a free, open-source alternative to Windows that will happily
| run on older computers that struggle to run XP or Vista.



Computers in schools are an environmental time-bomb

,----[ Quote ]
| Schools are using computers as room
| heaters which then need to be cooled using expensive air conditioning
| and Modern thin-client networks could reverse this trend and are
| available from the Open Source community and vendors of proprietary
| software today.


How Windows XP Wasted $25 Billion of Energy


Open Source Terraforming

,----[ Quote ]
| It's not entirely clear if an open source approach for
| terraforming technology would be allowed within the Virgin
| Earth Challenge rules. The "terms and conditions" appear to
| require secrecy during the development process, but leave
| open the possibility of open licensing conditions afterwards.
| Presumably, this would include open source/free access licenses.
| This is better than nothing, but the secrecy-during-development
| requirements should have an exception for open source competitors.
| The value of the "many eyes" approach is enhanced if it isn't
| limited to after-the-fact analysis. Discovery of a flaw requiring
| a redesign is less costly--and less likely to be ignored--if it
| happens early in the development process.


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