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Re: [News] Even Wintel Doesn't Want Windows Vista, Yet

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ John Bailo ] on Wednesday 07 March 2007 08:50 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Intel won't upgrade to Vista until SP1
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | For corporations, Otellini said Vista upgrades will be slow. "I know
>>> | of no organization doing an upgrade before SP1," said Otellini.
>>> | "Intel isn't upgrading either."
>> Intel and AMD can make more moola with Linux.
>> Let's just ditch the vista bitch.
> Believe it or not, Intel has just praised "UNIX-like" operating systems.
> Maybe they'll face a dilimma similar to that of Dell, which led to chaos by
> allowing the customers to speak out.

Intel are very strong on FOSS, and see it as a major growth area for
themselves.  The were instrumental in the creation of the ATCA
specification, for example, and were one of the founders of the OSDL
(now Linux Foundation).  Like all big companies, though, they have
multiple faces, and can seem to give mixed messages.

> Intel chief sings iPhone's praises
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Apple's iPhone is forcing a new wave of mobile device innovation
>| and validates the superiority of Unix-like systems on mobile devices
>| over Windows, claimed Intel chief executive Paul Otellini.
> `----
> http://www.mobile88.com/news/read.asp?file=/2007/3/6/20070306014323&sec=International

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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