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[News] Microsoft Begins to Accept .Net Compromises, Mixing with Open Source

There is life beyond .NET, says Microsoft (really)

,----[ Quote ]
| Ed Horst, VP of marketing product strategy at AmberPoint, says the
| company's origins were in Java-based environments but, since it
| began working with Microsoft in 2002, it has straddled the
| Java and .NET worlds - and seen a change in Microsoft's
| attitude. "When we first worked with Microsoft in 2002-3
| they were very much into an 'us and them' approach - either
| .NET or Java. They were resistant to talking about Java in
| case studies even though many of our customers have both.
| But this has changed - now Microsoft seems quite happy to
| talk about Java."


Java is GPL. And then there's Linux and Microvell.


Microsoft will be phasing out the GotDotNet site by July 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft will phase out all GotDotNet functionality by July 2007.
| We will phase out features according to the schedule below.


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