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Re: Roy Schestowitz Getting Lambasted On Digg.Com.

On Mar 16, 7:18 pm, "peterwn" <pete...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mar 17, 11:39 am, Jerry McBride <mcbrid...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, they were even smearing Roy with nasty obscene comments, even on
> irrevalant sites such as alt.locksmithing (Roy never posted there
> anywhere). I doubt that Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer intended this,
> but their troops did get out of control.

What are you talking about?
Nobody, at least none that I have seen, is smearing Roy over on

They are just on to his little tricks over there and point it out
instead of walking around like
drugged sheep which is what happens in COLA.

They are on to Roy seeding Google.
They are on to Roy's misleading subject lines.
They are on to Roy's ancient articles.
They are on to Roy's using blogs and bloggers as if they are gospel.
They are on to Roy uisng his own posts to back up other posts.
They are on to Roy's paranoia that everyone who posts a bury or such
is a paid for Microsoft person who is out to get him.
And so forth...

You people just don't get it.
Read the comments for yourself.

> It must really annoy Bill Gates (who likes behaving like a pseudo
> statesman), Darl McBride, big biz, politicians (eg Orrin Hatch), the
> White House (eg George Bush), financiers (eg those who keep suppoting
> the likes of SCO) etc that there are communications channels which are
> gaining great respect but which they are powerless to 'control'
> whether by law, power, money, private detectives or just plain
> spamming, astroturfing, spin doctoring etc.

It must really annoy Linux / Open Source advocates, who advocate
freedom BTW, when other people don't see freedom
the same way that they do.
Henceforth things like the various boycott sites spring up.

You people are nothing but hypocrites.

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