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[News] Businesses Successfully Lobby to Shut Down Free Content

BBC to suspend its education Web site

,----[ Quote ]
| The BBC will suspend its $289 million children's education Web site,
| BBC Jam, following complaints made to the European Commission that
| the site unfairly effects the commercial market for such content.


This is amazing. BBC being tax-funded aside, you can't help but wonder this:

The Land of "Nothing for free"

,----[ Quote ]
| I was down there to give a talk on "Open Source Business Models"
| for a conference. Also represented were entertainment industry
| lawyers, "Big Telecom" management, and a smattering of software
| people. Microsoft was there of course. You can't hold a church
| fete with "Open Source" on the banner these days without Microsoft
| turning up and requesting representation. At least we also had
| Bruce Perens on our side to help make up the balance. The venue
| eas an unbelievably expensive hotel. Even though I was on
| expenses I balked at asking the company to pay for a room
| there and found something cheaper (not by much) a few miles
| down the road.


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