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Re: The most powerful PCs in France

__/ [ B Gruff ] on Monday 12 March 2007 20:30 \__

> On Monday 12 March 2007 20:08 Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ B Gruff ] on Monday 12 March 2007 17:12 \__
>>> Strange place, France.
>>> Strange political system....
>>> Briefly, people get a vote, they vote for whoever they wish to represent
>>> them, and then collectively those representative govern the country.
>>> Yep - you read that right.  Those people can actually tell Companies what
>>> to
>>> do, and they do it!  Imagine that!  Very strange to those of you who are
>>> perhaps more accustomed to the Companies telling the Government what to
>>> do, and the Government doing it....
>>> Anyways, if you can imagine this strange set up, it's not too difficult
>>> to see who owns The Most Powerful PCs in France - they are of course the
>>> PCs owned/used by those representatives.
>>> As of June, they will all have new computers.
>>> Those computers will be loaded (all 1,154 of them) with Free (Libre -
>>> that's French for Free when it means "as in freedom") software, including
>>> OpenOffice, Firefox and a Free (Libre) e-mail client.
>>> The Operating System? .... Linux
>>> ....the Distribution?............ ubuntu:-)
>>> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/814/
>> Yes, yes, that's what they say. They have chosen Linux 6.10 to run all
>> this 'commie code' and now there will be no supervision. No more will our
>> heroes in the NSA be able to keep track of the ministers. Isn't that just
>> shocking? It's the beginning of the end for the sane world....
> It is, it is!
> Certain countries are so shocked that rather than call these "French PCs",
> they have re-named them....  "Freedom PCs"!!!

Stop it. Please. They have brainwashed and imprisoned all these youngsters as
well. They can no longer be controlled.

French students to get open-source software on USB key

Think about it. Those kids are going to be in control of their PCs and no
longer will we be able to force them to upgrade. Oh, god! Think about the
economy. What will the good folks at the landfills and disassemblers do for
a living? The PC recycles will take away their jobs.

I think I'm gonna faint. Grab me a chair. Please.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: just set it and forget about it
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