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Re: [News] Microsoft Fan Angered by Vista, Will Upgrade to Linux

__/ [ John Locke ] on Friday 23 March 2007 17:10 \__

> On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 09:10:57 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Dear Microsoft [Letter from a Windows fan, about Vista]
>>,----[ Quote ]
>>| Please take Microsoft Vista, and shove it up your collective asses.  I
>>| hope you choke on it like I am choking on your freedom-limiting and
>>| stifled code.  As for me, when you stop supporting XP, at that time I
>>| will go Linux or any other free, open source software that will allow
>>| me to do with my machine WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY MACHINE without
>>| your Orwellian code.  I have reverted back to XP, will never upgrade
>>| until DRM and other such garbage is totally eliminated from the code,
>>| or until such time as hacks finally defeat your code, and I can get
>>| my hands on  the hacked code.  Even hacked code is better than yours,
>>| and that says volumes.
>>| Bill Gates, et al, why don't you go blow the RIAA -- all of them. >`----
> That's impossible. Noone could be unhappy with Vista. I just read
> several glowing reports from happy Vista campers.
> They are joyous and bubbly and are completely enthralled wth their
> wonderous new toy.  They are even willing to go hungry in order
> to acquire all of the software & hardware upgrades required by
> their shiny new "operating system".  They have no problems, no cares,
> ....wait a minute......oh oh !!!...blue screen of death
> !!!.....waaaaaaaaaaah.

I really struggle to find positive reports. Those who eventually stay with it
just equate the experience to sleeping with a stranger and then coming to
grip with it. It's about coping and then finding some shiny bits that makes
the transition seem worthwhile. FWIW, all the eye candy can be installed
(through slight hacking) in XP. Linux is not only able to mimic Aero Glass,
but it does much more. In terms of function, it is ahead. And there are
other factors, which are less conspicuous, but much more important. Running
for months without rebooting, for instance, is a real time saver.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Open minds, open source
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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