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AISE Stats: 22/05/2007-28/05/2007

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of approximately 7 days
     and are automatically generated every Tuesday

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "AISE Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "AISE Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 237 messages written between 2007-05-22 04:21:08 and
2007-05-28 20:50:46

Quoters (includes people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. mark r <markrush@xxxxxxxxx>                                   3  80.56%
   2. Denise <dionyza@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 17  76.40%
   3. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                  35  70.61%
   4. Logician <sales@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                9  66.37%
   5. Rich <nosp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                      5  57.70%
   6. Paul  B <customerservices@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 18  53.82%
   7. Jezsta Web Productions <Please-use-our-contact-form@jezsta   13  52.99%
   8. Phil Payne <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        5  52.26%
   9. pgega <gega.pawel@xxxxxxxxx>                                  4  51.83%
  10. Mogga <di@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      3  46.82%
  11. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  7  42.55%
  12. Andrew Heenan <andrew3@xxxxxxxxxx>                            9  36.04%
  13. Scott Bryce <sbryce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           5  26.75%
  14. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        33  18.39%
  15. Adrienne Boswell <arbpen@xxxxxxxxx>                           3  18.17%

A total of 215438 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 106374,
or 49.38%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          35    42222  70.6%
   2. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>                33    26160  18.4%
   3. Paul  B <customerservices@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         18    18569  53.8%
   4. Denise <dionyza@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         17    25754  76.4%
   5. Jezsta Web Productions <Please-use-our-contact-for   13     9973  53.0%
   6. techguyaaron@xxxxxxxxx                               10     4125   2.8%
   7. Logician <sales@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        9    15779  66.4%
      Andrew Heenan <andrew3@xxxxxxxxxx>                    9     4725  36.0%
   9. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          7     6708  42.5%
  10. Rich <nosp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                              5     4463  57.7%
      Scott Bryce <sbryce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   5     3106  26.8%
      Phil Payne <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                5      842  52.3%
  13. catherine yronwode <cat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               4     9910  10.3%
      pgega <gega.pawel@xxxxxxxxx>                          4     1833  51.8%
  15. mark r <markrush@xxxxxxxxx>                           3     3838  80.6%

A total of 57 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. catherine yronwode <cat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      8888 /    4 =  2222  10.3%
   2. Adrienne Boswell <arbpen@xxxxxxxxx>          2031 /    3 =   677  18.2%
   3. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>       21349 /   33 =   646  18.4%
   4. Logician <sales@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>               5307 /    9 =   589  66.4%
   5. Mike <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>                       1666 /    3 =   555   6.7%
   6. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  3854 /    7 =   550  42.5%
   7. Paul  B <customerservices@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  8576 /   18 =   476  53.8%
   8. Scott Bryce <sbryce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          2275 /    5 =   455  26.8%
   9. Mogga <di@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     1214 /    3 =   404  46.8%
  10. techguyaaron@xxxxxxxxx                       4011 /   10 =   401   2.8%
  11. Rich <nosp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                     1888 /    5 =   377  57.7%
  12. Jezsta Web Productions <Please-use-our-cont  4688 /   13 =   360  53.0%
  13. Denise <dionyza@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 6077 /   17 =   357  76.4%
  14. Big Bill <bill@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 12409 /   35 =   354  70.6%
  15. Andrew Heenan <andrew3@xxxxxxxxxx>           3022 /    9 =   335  36.0%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Is there a quicker way to build links?                       27   42274
   2. SEo Required                                                 18   24635
   3. Rank Dropped...sitemap?                                      16   11258
   4. :-( :-( What Happened to AISE?                               15   16127
   5. Blog critique from an SEO standpoint and how can I get mo    14   21425
   6. To external pages- keywords links - rel=nofollow.            12    9208
   7. Possibly OT - Invitation                                     10    7389
      Silly Trick-or-Treaters                                      10    5910
   9. Amazing Search Results                                        8    6065
  10. Hidden text but top in google                                 7    6716
  11. Serious GoogleGroups Issues                                   6    2953
      how to get to the top of www.live.com                         6    2664
  13. Duplicate content errors?                                     5    6564
      Is this legit?                                                5    4125
      Javascript written content conflicting with search            5    4058

A total of 48 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. G2                                     99
   2. Forte Agent                            58
       1.8/32.553:1 1.91/32.564:19 3.3/32.846:3 4.2/32.1118:35
   3. Microsoft Outlook Express              53
       6.00.2600.0000:3 6.00.2800.1807:1 6.00.2900.2180:1 6.00.2900.3028:48
   4. KNode                                   9
       0.10.2:2 0.7.2:7
   5. Mozilla                                 5
   6. slrn                                    2
      Opera Mail/9.01                         2
   8. 40tude_Dialog                           1
      tin                                     1
      Virtual Access Open Source              1

A total of 10 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       45 ************************************************************
Tuesday      42 ********************************************************
Wednesday    45 ************************************************************
Thursday     40 *****************************************************
Friday       31 *****************************************
Saturday     16 *********************
Sunday       18 ************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059     4 *********
0100-0159     7 ****************
0200-0259     3 *******
0300-0359    11 **************************
0400-0459    10 ************************
0500-0559     5 ************
0600-0659    11 **************************
0700-0759    11 **************************
0800-0859    14 *********************************
0900-0959     9 *********************
1000-1059    13 *******************************
1100-1159    14 *********************************
1200-1259     8 *******************
1300-1359    12 ****************************
1400-1459    15 ************************************
1500-1559    11 **************************
1600-1659    12 ****************************
1700-1759    10 ************************
1800-1859    25 ************************************************************
1900-1959     6 **************
2000-2059    13 *******************************
2100-2159     5 ************
2200-2259     4 *********
2300-2359     4 *********


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