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Re: Roy the hypocrite

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Sinister Midget
on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 14:32:39 -0500
> On 2007-10-31, The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Tim Smith
>>  wrote
>>> Maybe you should consider posting a few *quality* posts
>>> a week, instead of trying to spam as much as you can.
>> Maybe, but then I have a question for you: who determines
>> what is a quality post?
>> [a] Roy Schestowitz?
>> [b] An impartial group of neutral observers?  (Good luck
>>     finding one, at this point.)
>> [c] A self-selected group of COLA lurkers?
>> [d] Denizens of alt.flame, alt.os.windows, alt.24hrsupport,
>>     or alt.2600, to which COLA messages are occasionally
>>     cross-posted?
>> [e] Microsoft?
> [e] Timmy FUDkenbusch Quark?

Oops...though that was covered somewhere. :-)  But yes,
the entire question might be put pithily as "who decides?".

Quality is on occasion in the eye of the beholder,
though not always (e.g., it's not difficult for most
to distinguish a river of clean pure water from a river
full of smelly industrial waste, but there are gray areas
in between, and the gray areas are where some might see
half-empty and others half-full).

In any event he's yet to answer my question, though I'm
not sure if I can answer it either; I know what I like but
it's not for everybody.

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Linux.  Because it's there and it works.
Windows.  It's there, but does it work?

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