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Re: Roy the hypocrite

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Tim Smith
on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 10:41:01 -0500
> In article <2432574.1AQiuV4eB4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> mention this in my previous message) is that I often
>> grab groups of postings rather than assess them on a
>> one-by-one basis. It's risky, but the issue you
>> raise was not deliberate nonetheless.
> So you go for quantity over quality.  Is that also
> why you don't proofread?  To get the posts out faster?
> Maybe you should consider posting a few *quality* posts
> a week, instead of trying to spam as much as you can.

Maybe, but then I have a question for you: who determines
what is a quality post?

[a] Roy Schestowitz?

[b] An impartial group of neutral observers?  (Good luck
    finding one, at this point.)

[c] A self-selected group of COLA lurkers?

[d] Denizens of alt.flame, alt.os.windows, alt.24hrsupport,
    or alt.2600, to which COLA messages are occasionally

[e] Microsoft?


#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows.  Because it's not a question of if.
It's a question of when.

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