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Re: An Open Letter To Roy Schestowitz..................................

On 2007-10-31, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:

> I decided I would not reply to Gary nyms anymore, but he's really pushing it
> here. Gary must really make up his mind. Is she a male or is he a female? She
> needs to decide whether we should refer to him as "his" or "her", otherwise
> we'll just refer to her as "it", or s/h/it.

I theorized a few years ago that Flatso was a shemale. Sort of a built
in contradiction there. Nothing has changed my thinking since I first
came up with that either. Except I'll allow that s/h/it may instead be

Even the name "Gary" could still be accurate if s/h/it was born with
feminine paraphenalia. It's just a name. Like the guy who called
himself an AIDS activist (really an animal rights activist) that had
his name legally changed to Luke Sissyfag back in the 90s:


or the guy with Question Mark & The Mysterians who had his name changed
legally to "?". Sorry. Can't find a link about the name change. But
they had a few hits:


Gary could be an adopted name, too, legally or not.

Sure s/h/it has had anti-gay tirades several times in the past. That
could be a cover, like Larry Craig seemed to be pulling. I had a TV
boss a few years ago that constantly called people faggot and queer.
S/He's still running around pretending nobody knows the secret despite
that cat being out of the bag for some time.

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