William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I saw the flatfish+++ post, then binned it & all the others in the group.
> Denied s/he/it's Gary Stewart, yet there are still things that give him
> away. Asks for proof too, so s/he/it *still* doesn't know what gives s/h/it
> away!
Poor Willy Boaster. Still showing off about his secret methods for
determining who Flatfish is or isn't. You need help Willy. Really.
>> By the way, the personal attack from Gary won't be forgotten. The scum
>> would be sued if I had the time. I haven't the time, but I have evidence.
>> I have plenty of it and I know other people who gather enough evidence
>> about Microsoft shills without taking legal action.
> When you do have time, I'd go for it.
Yes. But you are mad. You believe in MS Shills. It might surprise you,
but MS really don't care about you and your pudgy bearded friends.
El poder de moverse a sí mismo es la esencia del alma.
-- Platón. (427-347 a.C.) Filósofo griego.