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Re: [News] [Rival] Europe's Antitrust Ruling Approaches -- Split Decision? Microsoft Split?

____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 04 September 2007 19:07 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ [H]omer on Thursday 23 August 2007 03:35 : \____
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>> Will The EU Microsoft Antitrust Decision Be Split?
>>> Full article here:
>>> http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/08/19/business/msft20.php
>>> Executive summary: Microsoft may get to keep bundling, but lose protocol
>>> monopoly.
>> So why did Germany vote as it did on OOXML? Watch the lobbying. I blogged
>> about it in BN.com. Corruption and phonecalls...
> I'm sure that the transatlantic phone lines are running very very hot at
> the moment.  I wonder how much money has moved already?

Noney, favours, protection... whatever...

Microsoft has already admitted bribing partners in Sweden in order to buy vote.

Microsoft. Bribery. Admission. Write it down.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Community is code, code is community
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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