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Re: I, Roy C. Schestowitz Am A Compulsive Eunich Spammer. Please help me.

  • Subject: Re: I, Roy C. Schestowitz Am A Compulsive Eunich Spammer. Please help me.
  • From: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 10:33:59 +0100
  • Blinky-uip: http://improve-usenet.org
  • Bytes: 2585
  • Cola-trolls: http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/
  • Leafnode: Version 1.11.5-5u1
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organisation: The Orbiting Anvil & Spammhammer Company
  • Organization: Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews.com
  • Os: Kubuntu 7.04, kernel 2.6.20-16
  • Posted-by: The Potrzebie Appreciation Society
  • References: <1188853848.310010.120490@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <2029380.pg3J93ZCWk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <5k3n2kF20ng3U1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:556450
It was on, or about,  Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:27:09 -0400, that as I was
halfway through a large jam doughnut, Robert wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> ____/  roy.schestowitz@xxxxxxxxx on Monday 03 September 2007 22:10 :
>> \____
>>> http://tinyurl.com/38e9u8
>>> Living without balls is a terrible way to go through life. Long live
>>> Linux!
>> All links and references therein are a case of libel, indentity theft,
>> and fabrication. It's an attempt at character assassination, which is
>> better off ignored.
>> Messages you find on the Web with my name (or identities, unless
>> digitally signed in a verifiable fashion) are fake.
>> Many thanks,
>> Roy
> Roy
> Do you have any idea who this jerk is? it appears that sh/it really has
> it in for you.
> it really would be great if you could take legal action against this
> fool.

I quite agree.

Surely you are not comparing the non-existent Linux (at that time) with 
98? - Hadron aka Hadron Quark, Hans Schneider, & Damian O'Leary 
comp.os.linux.advocacy - Thu, 16 Aug 2007 
Message-ID: <npk5rvzafy.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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