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Re: WOOT! Mediadefender's internal emails leaked - via BitTorrent

____/ Jerry McBride on Sunday 16 September 2007 03:20 : \____

> yakety yak wrote:
>> -----
>> http://torrentfreak.com/mediadefender-emails-leaked-070915/
>> "The Biggest Ever BitTorrent Leak: MediaDefender Internal Emails Go
>> Public"
>> "...Over 700mb of their own internal emails, dating back over 6 months
>> have been leaked to the internet in what will be a devastating blow to the
>> company. Many are very recent, having September 2007 dates and the
>> majority involve the most senior people in the company..."
>> "...According to the .nfo file posted with the Mbox file the emails were
>> obtained by a group called 'MediaDefender-Defenders'. It states: 'By
>> releasing these emails we hope to secure the privacy and personal
>> integrity of all peer-to-peer users. The emails contains information about
>> the various tactics and technical solutions for tracking p2p users, and
>> disrupt p2p services,' and 'A special thanks to Jay Maris, for
>> circumventing there entire email-security by forwarding all your emails to
>> your gmail account'"
>> -----
>> From comments there and elsewhere, it appears that the collection also
>> contains some emails that will affect current file-sharing cases and may
>> even prompt some big class-action lawsuits. However, those are the legal
>> opinions of techs, not lawyers. Perhaps Groklaw will enlighten us once PJ
>> has a chance to digest it all?
> Makes for great reading... It's hard to believe that there's an actual
> business in filling bittorrent with bogus files... Amazing.

How about 2.2 GB of Comes vs Microsoft exhibits? Many of these 3,000 items
(some of which as large as hundreds of pages) give you enough to go away
with... _for a while_.

Here's a fun one, which someone whom I know is gradually extracting all the
text from (for indexing):


In years to come, transparency will increase, whether corporations and
governments like it or not. China has already complained that its
national 'secrets' have been leaked and P2P in the US surely lets those
sensitive files get around. Not to mention many millions of Windows zombies
(in businesses, not just in home) whose hard-drive content are accessible to
merely /anyone/ around the world....

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Ping this IP, see if it responds the second time"
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