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Re: [News] New OSI Board Announced, Linux Foundation Goes Very Commercial

____/ Matt on Friday 18 April 2008 02:53 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Commentary: the Linux Foundation and the future of Linux
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | I came away from the second annual Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit
>> | with mixed feelings. I mean, it's hard not to support the group that pays
>> | Linus Torvalds to spend his time continuing to lead the poster-boy project
>> | for free and open source software. But at the same time, those golden
>> | chains are my biggest concern about the Linux Foundation.
>> | 
>> | IBM sponsored the event, and they are the biggest supporter of Linux in
>> | the corporate world. The foundation membership is made up of almost all
>> | the large and and many of wanna-be-large IT firms around the globe --
>> | including Adobe, which is one of the foundation's newest members.
>> `----
>> http://www.linux.com/feature/132203
> more at that link:
> (((((
>> Before I learned that the press was not welcome in any of the
>> working-meetings at the summit on days 2 and 3, I saw and heard rumblings of
>> discontent from more than one ordinary Linux desktop user. One example: a
>> top-ten list of inhibitors to Linux adoption, created by a committee of
>> foundation members, contained nothing at all relating to desktop usage.
>> Nothing. Everything on the list was about back-room usage. Servers. Big
>> iron.
> )))))
> Here is a comment by Linus, 09 July 2003
> (((((
>>  Are you happy that Linux is used commercially primarily on servers? Would
>>  you rather see it be more of a mainstream desktop phenomenon? Obviously the
>>  two aren't mutually exclusive, but I'm curious which future you'd rather
>>  see.
>> Oh, I'd obviously like to see Linux more on the desktop too, but I take the
>> long view, and I don't think it has to happen tomorrow. The reason Linux is
>> strong on servers is that it is a much easier market to get into, and I'm
>> very happy with where Linux is today in that area. And I absolutely do not
>> see the server and desktop as mutually exclusive. In fact I personally think
>> that a large measure of the technical "goodness" of an OS is how well it
>> responds to different kinds of users, and I think specialised niche OSs are
>> an evolutionary dead end.
> )))))
> I seem to recall an interview from a few years ago wherein Linus seemed
> pretty disinterested in the desktop, using words similar to "don't hold
> your breath" or "don't expect it anytime soon."  I wasn't able to find
> the exact interview.

He recently set up a Fedora desktop for his wife. He does use Linux and he also
installs his own on Apple hardware.

His idea of Linux desktops is different from ours because he uses git for
managing his project and he *still* uses pine for E-mail. So, picture a guy
whose desktop, which runs Linux, is actually a Mac box with terminals on a
single-head large screen (I can't recall if he used one very large monitor).
To be brutally honest with you, in many ways, in terms of productivity, he's a
bit of a Luddite.

Recent (of interest I suppose):

Don't use Emacs, says Java's father

,----[ Quote ]
| Known in the development world as the father of Java, Sun Microsystems' vice 
| president and fellow James Gosling has urged coders to stop using the 
| antiquated Emacs text editor and move to a more modern IDE like Sun's own 
| open source NetBeans.   


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Free software is what's left and what's also right
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