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Re: [Roy Schestowitz Lies Again] [Rival] Microsoft Sabotages MBR (GNU/Linux) with Windows Update

* Erik Funkenbusch peremptorily fired off this memo:

> On Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:25:16 -0700, Tim Smith wrote:
>> In article <JnILj.21683$9O.10885@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>  Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> As far as Roy summarizing articles incorrectly, I've already spoken my
>>> piece.  But, one more time.  He goes too fast in posting them, and that
>>> is a recognized weakness.  Be prepared to deal with it.  It's not like I
>>> haven't told you over and over about it.
>> A few times can be excused as a mistake due to being sloppy.  But that 
>> excuse doesn't work when it happens over and over again for months or 
>> years.  If it were just a mistake, and he actually wanted to present 
>> accurate information, he'd correct the behavior that leads to the 
>> mistakes.
>> And you overlook the fact that when he makes these kind of "mistakes" 
>> and they are pointed out to him, he often still links to those 
>> "mistakes" in later articles, citing them for the "mistaken" claim.
> Not to mention the fact that his "mistakes" are always anti-Microsoft.  He
> never seems to make a mistake that sheds linux in a worse light or
> microsoft in a better one.

Well boo hoo hoo about your precious Microsoft, Erik.

Face it, Microsoft has, for a couple decades now, raised the ire of many
many people in Silicon Valley and in the general IT industry, and mostly
for good reason.

That they've succeeded in pushing generally substandard software into a
dominant market position (even if they eventually, after years of labor,
get the stuff reworked into some semblance of the 'great" software Bill
is always blathering about) does not negate the reasons why many people
don't like Microsoft as a company, and don't respect their influence on
the direction of consumer/business computing.

Microsoft made their own bed.  They have no one to blame but themselves.
Let them solace themselves with revenue.

Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I
don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking
about the other.
   -- Bill Gates

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