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Re: [News] GNU/Linux on the Eee Far Faster Than Windows

On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:24:03 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ____/ William Poaster on Tuesday 29 April 2008 12:08 : \____
>> Quoting Linonut who, on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 16:49:08 -0400, posted:
>>> * Tim Smith peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>>> In article <jnahe5-3n5.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>>>  The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Microsoft is working hard to get XP on the Eee sometime late this year.
>>>>> We'll see how it pans out.
>>>> Uhm...considering that you can walk into Best Buy right now and buy an
>>>> EEE with XP on it, you might want to consider getting better news
>>>> sources. :-)
> http://gizmodo.com/373820/windows-xp-eee-pc-available-at-best-buy-in-april-pricing-stays-sweet
>>>    The system that will run the Windows XP OS shall be the standard Eee PC
>>>    4G, which LaptopMag have been putting through its paces for over a
>>>    month. The machine makes a solid impression overall, however, the disk
>>>    space is a bit limited to run Windows XP and additional applications on
>>>    top. Asus are considering dropping in a 4GB SD card to aid in the disk
>>>    space shortage, but nothing has been confirmed to that end.
> http://www.amazon.com/s?keywords=Asus+Laptop&rs=541966&page=1&rh=n%3A172282%2Cn%3A541966%2Ck%3AAsus+Laptop&sort=pmrank
>>> I'd rather save the $50.
>> Well here's a "better news source" :-)
>> In a current poll conducted in their forums, of the 1,132 Asus Eee sold
>> thus far, only 31% are using a windows version. The *vast* majority (i.e.
>> 68%) have stayed with a Linux distro of one sort or another, & do not
>> intend to change platform. Oh, the other 1%? Running OS-X I believe.
>> Asus are so pleased at the reaction, they intend to market a larger model
>> the '900' which has a larger screen. It will again be running a Linux
>> distro of one sort or another.
>> Furthermore, there is the ElonexOne also running Linux. Acer, MSI &
>> Norhtec have been watching these products with interest, are all
>> producing similar prototypes, ALL of which will be running Linux.
> There's no proper way to count usage of Linux. 

I agree, there isn't. But of those which have joined the Eee forum & who
took part in the poll, it would seem the great majority are Linux users. I
also understand that the forum isn't frequented by 'geeks' either, so
these are just ordinary pc users. 

> Personally, I have never in my entire life downloaded or burned a Linux CD. 
> Never. I always borrow a CD from a friend or a colleague that has the
> latest version. It's just so much quicker. It complicates all those
> suppositions that are made and defended by the Big Lie (still, about 40%
> of my site visitors this month use Linux... among about 100,000).

My main OS is now Mandriva, but I download & burn Linux ISO's from various
distributions, & run on test drives. They're mostly beta & release
candidates, so I can test & report any bugs. In that way, I'm helping
developers produce final releases.

I often use the magazine DVDs to burn distros like PCLOS & KUbuntu to a
CD, then pass them on to the local LUG, where they're used in Open Day
install fests, & can be distributed to anyone asking for a copy.

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-- 64bit Mandriva 2008.1 --

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