On 2008-08-15, chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> Rex Ballard wrote:
>>Figure that each PC user spends 1 hour per day sorting out the spam,
> Bullshit, Rex. I get almost no SPAM at all, at either home or work.
> Maybe a few each day at, home, which are taken-care-of by a few stabs
> of the Delete key.
He might not be so far off when figuring the average.
A few years ago I set my work email up to receive my pop mail that I
was receiving at home. A guy saw that I did that and wanted to do the
same thing. So I set his up for him. On the first download he must've
gotten about 500 porn and other spam emails. He simply said, "It does
that at home, too." He'd keep deleting them and getting more. But he
had to look at at least parts of most of them to make sure he wasn't
tossing mail he wanted to keep.
About a week later he wanted me to turn that function off (I'd offered
before, when he first started getting the porn, but he wanted to keep
it that way then). I removed all of the pop information. But he kept
getting them. I fifure after a couple of mail downloads from his home
account, his entire work mail setup was infected, and it sent out his
work email address to teh world. I suggested ways he could do something
about trying to get it stopped, but he never did anything except scan
and delete, delete and scan. He kept getting that crap for the next 3
years he worked there.
I bet he spent my hour, which I wasn't spending, plus his own hour, and
probably the hours of another one or two people, every day, cleaning up
his email. Not only that, but it put a burden on the whole system, and
it more than likely nabbed addresses from his email account (which, by
default has 2-3 thousand people in it) and started sending things to
them, too. There were at least 2 system-wide outages while he worked
there due to a worm and a virus. I don't know if they were directly or
indirectly caused by him or not. But they were certainly caused by
Just counting me and him I'd estimate we had more than 3 or 4 hours
between us. Mine was no more than about 5 minutes a day, work and home
combined. Half of his were at home, and aren't even mentioned above
because I had his work email set up to leave a copy on the server so he
could get it at home, too.
At work I get about 3 spam a week, max. At home I get a handful more.
My home filters have fallen into decay the last couple of years. If I
tightened them I could probably get my total effort down to about 5
minutes a week, home and work combined.
Granted, the anecdote is an extreme. But I submit it's not all that
extreme for Windross machines. I've read of multiple instances of
people giving up on the internet completely, changing accounts, buying
new machines and more, all because they couldn't get rid of rampant
spam (one such story led me to start handing out live CDs in libraries
and on the street for a period of time).
When you boil it down to the essentials, it's because Linux is
designed to be *used* and Windows is designed to be *sold*.
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