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Linux in the wild?

  • Subject: Linux in the wild?
  • From: bbgruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 15:43:32 +0100
  • Bytes: 2981
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:iM1PYsE+CnYF/hbxKzog3VN1FQU=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Reply-to: bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.5
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:683746
Well, we were asked for "In the wild sightings", and I was assured by one of
our long-standing writers here that Stores count as "in the Wild", so here's
my own latest experience....

U.K. readers will be familiar with PCWorld.
Part of Dixon's-that-was?
In my book, somewhere generally to be avoided, but a very convenient place to
pick up blank CDs, DVDs, the odd cable, etc.  Very "Windows-centric", and
perhaps the *last* place I had expected to see Linux.

On the way back to the office today, I stopped-by to pick up some ink
cartridges.  Through the automatic doors, huge Samsung T.V. to my left, and
straight in front, blocking the aisle not 20ft from the door was a
stand-alone-stand that one had to walk round to proceed.
On that stand, an Acer One powered up and people playng with it.
Right up front on the big price tag "This machine runs the Linux Operating
System, and is pre-loaded with a complete Office Suite, compatible with MS

Several people playing, so walked on to get my ink.
Wandered round the laptop stands.  TWO Asus netbooks (Linux) there and powered
up.  Ironically, somebody had displayed between them a boxed Norton Security
pack at £29.99(?).  Also, one other laptop with somebody at it, was running
Ubuntu (Advent?).

On the way out, I actually managed to get my hands on the Acer, and I really
was impressed.  Just 4 blocks of icons on the desktop, (Fun/Internet/Work
etc?) and very snappy to use.  Priced at £199 (that's very low over here - we
often pay in pounds what yanks pay in dollars for kit), and when I started
opening documents and spreadsheets, I soon had a crowd round again.
Was able to spend a few minutes answering questions, expounding on
not-Windows, no A.V, needed, full Office suite, free updates - for ever!
etc... and then left them all to have a go.

Cetainly I was impressed by the device.  I always thought these things (screen
and K/B) would be a bit small for my old eyes and clumsy fingers, but I was
surprised at how good it was, and how easy to read the screen (8.9").

I'm sure it comes with XP, and that a lot of folks will prefer that, but I was
really amazed to see this (and the Linux statement) in such a prominent
position in that particular store!  Maybe it's because they can't sell
them.... or something....???:-):-)

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