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Re: [News] Microsoft Goes Litigious on Software Patents

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 21:13:02 +0000
> ____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Wednesday 10 December 2008 16:48 : \____
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Mark Kent belched out
>>   this bit o' wisdom:
>>> High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> I look with excitement to the ARM RISC based netbooks, with are
>>>> currently Microsoft incompatible but Linux ready.
>>>> Mei Linux bloeit!
>>> I might put it like this... Microsft are ARM-netbook incompatible, but
>>> if they want to write a port, they are welcome to try...
>> Nah, they've already put <snigger> Win CE on ARM netbooks.
> Win CE is failing badly in embedded. Linux eats its lunch and CE is not a
> priority right now.

(dated 2008-10-23)
suggests that Windows XP can run on netbooks if they use
x86-compatible processors such as Intel's A110 or Atom,
and that ARM cores will have to run Windows Mobile,
Windows CE, or Linux.

Linux is arguably the most robust, but I suspect Windows
Mobile is the most likely to succeed, mostly because the
public apparently has, for better or for worse, associated
the term "computer" with the term "Microsoft Windows", and
netbooks are computers, though for some reason mobile
phones are not [*].  (Arrgh....)

It's all perception.

Of course Linux is almost ready to jump into the ARM
market; the main thing missing would be certain proprietary
binaries which probably aren't needed anyway, except
perhaps for an nVidia video driver.  Interestingly, ARM (at
least the ARM9T family; dunno about earlier offerings) can
be configured either for little or big endian mode, which
should make it simple to port Windows XP thereon.  Maybe.


Sad mess, in its way, but the elephant in the room is
not exactly dead yet.  (It does seem to be bleeding from
a number of spear wounds, though.)

I would hope the Linux netbooks have the ability to boot
and be ready for use in less than 5 seconds.  That would
probably give Microsoft a big, bad headache.


[*] the Orange phones in particular were laughed at,
    but presumably Windows Mobile has improved some
    since then.  Even the simpler Nokia "brick" phones
    of a few years back are mobile computers, though
    modern phones are far more capable, sporting
    web browsers and downloadable applicatins.

    (Of course if one is pedantic enough, microwave
    oven controller keypads are part of computers
    too...very simple ones, comparatively speaking.)

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
fortune: not found
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

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