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Re: Editor Of Linux Today /Linux Planet Calls Roy Schestowitz A BullShit Artist..

Sinister Midget wrote:

> On 2008-02-09, Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>> Exactly! And this is what I have been saying for a while now.
>>> The rest of the earth seems to have Roy Schestowitz figured out, yet COLA
>>> continues to worship this phony.
>>> BTW this kind of stuff is all over the place if you look for it.
>>> Roy is a self serving, narcissistic, nasty boob who considers himself the
>>> begin and end all of every discussion.
>>> Other groups pick this up immediately.
>>> COLA seems to be a little slow.
>> Another fine "me too" exchange from the only existing "true linux advocates"
>> Hadron Josip Stalin Quark and flatfish
> Looks like flatso has a new crush. First Terry Porter. Then Rapskat.
> Now Roy. There were a few short-lived swoonings in between, but those
> have been the biggies. S/H/It has a problem with always picking the
> ones that aren't interested in s/h/it in the least, though.
> Keep trying, Flats. I seriously doubt Roy is tempted by all of your
> attention. But some day even _you_ might find sombody that will have
> you if you perservere. For instance, you and Quirk seem to be hitting
> it off. There might be some chance with Timmy, too, since it looks like
> you have mutual interests. Or raydopehead+/-99.

 Quack shows his *true* colours, aligns himself with some of teh worst scum in
Usenet, & drops all pretence at being a linux advocate. 
 Maybe Flatfarce, Quack, Dopehead & Timmy should get a motel room. ;-)

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