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[News] Security as Excuse for Lock-in (Apple, Microsoft Busted)

  • Subject: [News] Security as Excuse for Lock-in (Apple, Microsoft Busted)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 06:21:49 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
With iPhone, 'Security' Is Code for 'Control'

,----[ Quote ]
| With enough lock-in, a company can protect its market share even as it 
| reduces customer service, raises prices, refuses to innovate and otherwise 
| abuses its customer base. It should be no surprise that this sounds like 
| pretty much every experience you've had with IT companies: Once the industry 
| discovered lock-in, everyone started figuring out how to get as much of it as 
| they can.     


Like 'protecting' content (music).

Or 'protecting' Web users from "unhealthy content".


Microsoft Cuts Off Access To Old Documents

,----[ Quote ]
| With the blink of a 117 MB download (and an even lengthier installation 
| process), Office users will no longer be able to open files in 24 older file 
| formats. That means users – citizens, government employees, small business 
| owners, etc. – will not be able to open their own documents saved in file 
| formats used by Corel (Wordperfect), Lotus, and most versions of MS Office 
| products before 2000. Instead, users will see the not-so-user-friendly 
| statement below:      
| “You are attempting to open a file type that is blocked by your registry 
| policy setting.” 
| When a user attempts to open one of these older files, they will receive the 
| above in a dialog box and no alternative actions are given to help users get 
| access to their information in these “blocked” files.  



Microsoft insults our intelligence on Virtualization security

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has once again pulled out the security argument for its 
| decision again and I must say that I find it rather insulting.  It’s 
| not that I think Microsoft doesn’t have a right as a private business 
| to set the terms of the EULA as they see fit, but don’t take us for f
| ools.  If they want to restrict Virtualization, just come out and 
| say it and don’t make up ridiculous excuses for it. 
| [...]
| Trying to stop a Hypervisor Rootkit with a EULA is like trying to 
| stop Malware with a EULA.


Is need for control behind Microsoft's flip-flop?

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, Gartner analyst Michael Silver took Microsoft to task 
| for its continued restrictions.
| "Microsoft's policies...come off as a way to gouge customers," Silver 
| said in an e-mail, noting that customers are forced to pay for higher 
| priced editions, even though they don't get many of the benefits, like
|  the Aero user interface, which often won't work in a virtual machine.
| Silver argues that Microsoft is likely leaving money on the table. 
| "Allowing use of lower priced (editions) could even be worth more 
| money to Microsoft as it would likely increase the number of people 
| that would legally run a Microsoft OS in a VM (like on a Mac)," 
| Silver wrote. "Eventually they will have no choice but to make their 
| peace with virtualization."


Vista Home Editions Won't Run On Mac, Linux Virtual Machines

,----[ Quote ]
| That means Linux aficionados or users of Apple Macs will not legally
| be able to use software from vendors such as Parallels or EMC's VMWare
| to create so-called virtual machines on their desktops to run Vista
| alongside their favorite OS. Windows users wanting to run Vista in a
| virtual machine environment for security or productivity purposes
| also will need either the Business or Ultimate Edition.


Microsoft flip-flops on Vista virtualization

,----[ Quote ]
| Software like Parallels Desktop for the Mac or Microsoft's own Virtual 
| PC for Windows allow multiple operating systems to run simultaneously. 
| When it announced licensing rules for Vista last year, Microsoft said 
| that only Vista Business and Vista Ultimate could run as guest 
| operating systems. The company said virtualization presents inherent 
| security risks and that it hoped by limiting which versions of the OS 
| could act as virtual machines, only sophisticated users and businesses 
| would employ the tactic.


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