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"DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> writes:

>> Mark Kent <mark.k...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I stand by my position on this - Microsoft *desperately* need new 
>> management
> You have basically zero knowledge of current internal MS operations or 
> organization, so your opinion and 'stand' is totally worthless and 
> meaningless.  At best you know the names of the Chairman and CEO and maybe a 
> few other titles, at best you have superficial knowledge of a tiny few of 
> their hundreds of software products, and at best you know a little about 
> their public financial results.  And that's it - that's your sum total of 
> knowledge about the Microsoft Corporation.
> You're ignorant about them, you're biased against them, and you have no 
> management experience running a large business unit with P&L 
> responsibility... but you're going to tell one of the most successful 
> corporations in history they need new executive management?
> It's another day in cola bizarro world.

Unlike some of the other COLA "advocates" though, Mark Kent appears to
take himself seriously. I thought he was just a parody of an arsehole by
some good troll for a while. Alas not. He really is "for real".

Check out Mark Kent on the bus @2:16 into this video below.

And then, even funnier @3:35 where he appears in court and starts
telling the judge how courts should run:


It is him!

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