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[News] Congress Urged to Keep Health Record Open Source

  • Subject: [News] Congress Urged to Keep Health Record Open Source
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 15:05:35 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Doubling of VA’s IT budget could tip the market

,----[ Quote ]
| That should be very good news for open source. The VA’s medical records 
| system, VistA, is not just open source, but public record. There’s an active 
| open source project behind it, and a commercial implementation as well.  
| [...]
| If $2.4 billion goes into a wrong turn, it’s a legacy that could take a 
| decade or more to fix. Congress should look closely at how the VA’s IT money 
| is going to be spent before they approve it.  


More on open source today (too much to keep track of):

Granite Data Services: Open Source Flex DS Alternative


The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Synapse as a Top-Level Project


Two Doors to Enterprise Web 2.0 Adoption



iSoft in critical condition as NHS trusts seek alternatives

,----[ Quote ]
| The government's vision of an integrated computer system for the
| NHS is coming apart at the seams as NHS trusts are to start looking
| for alternative IT suppliers, The Guardian reports.


Microsoft in the NHS

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is one of the key technology firms in the £6.2 billion NHS
| IT programme. It is working particularly closely with iSOFT ...


Prescription for an I.T. Disaster?

,----[ Quote ]
| In 2002, the British government embarked on a $12 billion effort to
| transform its health-care system with information technology. But
| the country's oversight agency now puts that figure at $24 billion,
| and two Members of Parliament say the project is "sleepwalking
| toward disaster."


NHS computer boss failed IT exams 

,----[ Quote ]
| Mary Granger is amazed that her son was put in charge of a £20bn
| project to transform the NHS's computer system. She is less
| surprised that his 'Connecting for Health' project is over-budget,
| behind schedule and threatening to become the biggest IT disaster
| in history.


NHS Scotland pools budget for Microsoft savings

,----[ Quote ]
| NHS National Services Scotland forecasts it will save up to £8m over
| three years from a new procurement deal with Microsoft


Accenture escapes £1bn penalty for NHS walk-out

,----[ Quote ]
| Accenture, the IT and consultancy firm has avoided huge penalty fees for 
| withdrawing from the UK National Programme for IT (NPfIT).


,----[ Quote ]
| 'An NHS primary care trust has launched an investigation after a laptop 
| containing names, addresses and dates of birth of 11,500 children was 
| stolen from its offices'


Accenture: NHS failure is 'track record for success'

,----[ Quote ]
| After months of negotiations, Accenture handed contracts worth £2bn over
| to rival Computer Sciences Corporation after getting paid just £110m
| for spending a third of the allotted 10 years on the job. Its hand had
| been forced by losses of $450m it was set to make on the deal this
| year.


CfH refutes computer failure claims

,----[ Quote ]
| "Very often they are not major incidents as such, but could be caused when
| a patient administration system is running slow or there may be problems
| with the local network. The severity level is attributed by the user and
| this is subsequently very often down graded or amended."
| Many of the incidents that have been reported by CfH include failure of
| the systems used by surgeons to see X-ray pictures on a computer screen
| in wards and operating theatres. On some occasions the system is believed
| to have crashed during an operation, forcing surgeons to suspend the
| procedure while a hard copy of the X-ray is found.


NHS Direct all better

,----[ Quote ]
| NHS Direct is back online this afternoon after going on the sick
| with a server error earlier today.
| According to Netcraft, the Windows 2000 server at the bargain
| basement hypochondriac magnet modern, accessible public healthcare
| resource was rebooted today. See here.
| Whatever malady did for the box, it was "unexpected", as the message
| on the site explained for most of today.
| NHS Direct was unavailable for comment at time of writing.


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