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Re: [News] Survey: Microsoft Office Monopoly Eroding, Gauged at Just 66% Installed Base

____/ Mark Kent on Tuesday 12 February 2008 06:51 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ John Locke on Monday 11 February 2008 21:02 : \____
>>> On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 16:43:39 +0000, Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>> Alfresco's Open Source Barometer
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>>| One of the most interesting additions to the survey this year is a
>>>>>| question about which office suite people use. Overall, OpenOffice.org
>>>>>| chalks up a very respectable 24% to Microsoft Office's 66%. This is a
>>>>>| much higher penetration than I would have guessed for open source on the
>>>>>| desktop, and suggests that among those adopting open source programs
>>>>>| OpenOffice.org is doing really well ? pretty much at the Firefox level
>>>>>| of success.
>>>>> `----
>>>>> Last year it was 20% of The Register's reader who said they were using
>>>>> OpenOffice.org.
>>>>Interesting... the only interesting metric of foss usage is foss usage.
>>>>As there is no market for linux itself, or at least, a very small one,
>>>>it's not something you can quantify, since there's nothing to quantify,
>>>>however, usage is the interesting thing.
>>>>OO.org at 24% is large enough to be essentially unstoppable now, in
>>>>spite of all Microsoft's efforts at corrupting both ECMA and ISO.
>>> I think the days of high priced office solutions from Microsoft are
>>> numbered. There are now other viable options...even Abiword
>>> if you just need some word processing !
>> This has just been acknowledged by Microsoft which set it's Office Live
>> (read: Google catchup) free, despite the fact that a Microsoft manager said
>> there was poor demand for it. It was roughly 4 months ago.
>> OOXML is Microsoft's attempt to survive the Web era, making documents and
>> programs incompatible unless they are from Microsoft.
> Several SME people I know are now using Google office and calendaring
> and mail, essentially, they've moved their office support software
> entirely to google's hosted services.  I think that all the hassles
> associated with running these things locally are just too much for most
> people.

Last year, Google claimed that over 100,000 had moved to Google Apps (from
Microsoft Office most likely). The company keeps modest and quiet about it
(same with Red Hat, to whom attitude is seen as crucial, so it rarely
advertises). Did you know that a Microsoft puppet called the Burton Group
issued anti-Google Apps studies? There was a whole Microsoft propaganda
campaign against it. That's just how Microsoft competes. It's the only
language it understands.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Open syntax, Open API's, Open Source
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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