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Re: See Schestowitz... See Schestowitz Run....

* Tim Smith peremptorily fired off this memo:

> In article <1cf6rafr2b1cs$.wo0gmrctdxae.dlg@xxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Moshe Goldfarb <brick.n.straw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:50:25 -0500, Linonut wrote:
>> > * Tim Smith peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> > 
>> >> The fact is Roy doesn't have details.  His complaints are a mix of 
>> >> rumors he picks up from other sites, and things he makes up.
>> > 
>> > Yeah, Roy's a lot like Google that way.
>> Google doesn't profess to be anything other than a search engine.
> Another difference: when I Google for something, and the provide links 
> to the results, along with their summaries of the linked site, I've 
> never noticed those summaries being deliberately misleading.
> It's hard to figure out what Linonut was getting at here.


By the way, note that the ODF Alliance is a group of a large number of
companies, as opposed to the three-member Open Document Foundation that
Erik likes to quote for FUD purposes.

He is divisive. He is manipulative. He is a user. He has taken much from me and
the industry.
   -- Gary Kildall, in notes for an unpublished memoir Computer Connections.

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