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Re: [News] McAfee Responds to "Request for Source Code"

Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The GPL does not require that the source be obtainable by download.  
> There are several ways to distribute source that can satisfy the GPL, 
> depending on exactly how they are using and distributing their product.
> Have you actually obtained a McAfee product and examined it to determine 
> what they are actually required to do, or are you just guessing?

Also, it is important to note that the GPL requires that the source
code be made available to to anyone receiving the binary, not any old
person that asks for it.  Since the GPL also requires that you allow 
redistribution of the code, this in practice means it makes sense to
just put it on a public server... but they are not actually obligated
to do that.  In short, unless you actually use their product, they
can just tell you to pound sand.

Of course the usual 'I am not a lawyer' disclaimers apply.

Yeah, I drank the Open Source cool-aid... Unlike the other brand, it had
all the ingredients on the label.

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