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Re: [News] America-style DMCA in the United Kingdom?

* Tim Smith fired off this tart reply:

> In article <g0ug55-vab.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> > Yes, and there's an army out there trying to hide the traces and 
>> > call everyone who talks about Bilderberg a loon, a 'theorist', or 
>> > whatever.
> ...
>> Oh, we know it goes on, just as we know about the Freemasons, local 
>> council corruption, government corruption, business corruption and so 
>> on...
> What about the Freemasons?

"Masonry opens doors!"

(A little joke from a Monty Python skit).

The increasing percentage of Vista isn't growth -- it's molting.

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