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Re: [News] America-style DMCA in the United Kingdom?

____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 09 January 2008 19:54 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 09 January 2008 13:17 : \____
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> ____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 09 January 2008 12:11 : \____
>>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>> ____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 09 January 2008 09:17 : \____
>>>>>>> Darth Chaos <darthchaosofrspw@xxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>>>> [H]omer wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>>>>>>>> CD copying OK, DRM circumvention not OK
>>>>>>>>> No coincidence that this announcement comes at exactly the same time
>>>>>>>>> as the "anti-hacking tools" proposal. Clue: they're both part of the
>>>>>>>>> same agenda. How long before the misconception that "supplying a PC
>>>>>>>>> without Windows is illegal" becomes fact?
>>>>>>>>> Add MSLabour to the list, under MSBBC.
>>>>>>>> IIRC, wasn't there talk about the BBC considering re-vamping the BBC
>>>>>>>> TV licence fee (which is required only if you receive TV signals) into
>>>>>>>> a BBC PC licence fee (which would require payment of the fee for mere
>>>>>>>> ownership of a computer)?
>>>>>>> That was some time ago, although I don't know what happened to it.  As
>>>>>>> the BBC's licence-fees are now mainly being used to line the pockets of
>>>>>>> Siemens, Microsoft and others, it's really time to abandon the whole
>>>>>>> thing.  I'd like to see just how much licence-fee cash becomes profit
>>>>>>> for commercial entities.
>>>>>>> In the meantime, DRM circumvention "not okay" is utterly unpolicable,
>>>>>>> and about as sensible as an ID card.  Obviously, the government is
>>>>>>> being massaged (again) by foreign commercial interests, as those of the
>>>>>>> people are clearly not important to this labour government.
>>>>>>> I wonder how many expensive dinners were involved in getting this
>>>>>>> abysmal proposal to this stage?
>>>>>> More importantly, when or where is the next Bilderberg gathering? This
>>>>>> is a disgusting state of affair that shows you just why you cannot
>>>>>> separate technology from politics.
>>>>> Having had a quick peek at http://www.bilderberg.org/, my first reaction
>>>>> was that it seemed a little over the top, but as you start to pick
>>>>> through, the site does appear to consist of evidence rather than theory,
>>>>> and where there is theory, it's backed by evidence.  It's also hardly
>>>>> surprising that the site has been pulled so many times, I can see a lot
>>>>> of influential people being very embarassed by it.
>>>>> Local council corruption is the stuff of legend, of course.  I suspect
>>>>> if we started to sort that out, there wouldn't be a town our county
>>>>> councillor with a seat remaining.
>>>> Have you seen the information and video in my personal blog (some of it is
>>>> still in page 1)? I've been finding links to Microsoft and the 'Gateses'.
>>>> Bill's wife attends these events, apparently.
>>> No, but I'll take a look.  Very interesting!
>> Maybe she meets Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in the hallway and exchanges
>> some piece of advice. Who knows? They are all regulars. Blair has been there
>> since /before/ he was PM.
>> Published days ago:
>> Melinda Gates goes public
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| .,.With George H.W. Bush at a benefit
>> `----
>> What did George's son say about Microsoft? "Let them innovate" or something
>> along those lines? What is it with oversight ending and being called
>> a "success"? Antitrust action over when Microsoft rapes ISO and bribes
>> people in Nigeria to eliminate competition? Yeah, we really ought to buy
>> that sort of New World 'Justice'...
> It's interesting how "extreme corruption" seems to have fully replaced
> "extreme capitalism".

Yes, and there's an army out there trying to hide the traces and call everyone
who talks about Bilderberg a loon, a 'theorist', or whatever.

US military propaganda team busted

,----[ Quote ]
| The activities uncovered by Wikileaks include deleting Guantanamo detainees' 
| ID numbers from Wikipedia, posting of self-praising comments on news websites 
| in response to negative articles, promoting pro-Guantanamo stories on the 
| Internet news focus website Digg, and even altering Wikipedia's entry on 
| Cuban President Fidel Castro to describe him as "an admitted transexual" 
|                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| [sic].     
| The proof Wikeleaks assembled includes the IP address and whois ownership 
| record for public.jtfgtmo.southcom.mil, which is Guantanamo's Internet 
| gateway server, google hits on that IP address, a traceroute through a 
| satellite downlink, the whois ownership record for that downlink, links to 
| the defaced Wikipedia entries, links to comments posted at news websites, 
| records of approximately 140 promotions of news articles at Digg, links and 
| quotes about three alleged US military propagandists who are stationed at 
| Guantanamo, and fourteen links to other Wikileaks articles about Guantanamo.       


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Anonymous posters are more frequently disregarded
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer |  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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