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Re: Microsoft Has a Broken Home

____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Monday 31 December 2007 21:31 : \____

> <Quote>
> [Three problems lately.  One:  WHS bug corrupts files...]
> Although engineers are busily trying to solve the problem, Microsoft
> said, users are advised not to edit and then save WHS stored files
> using any of several Microsoft and third-party software
> applications....
> "Until an update for Windows Home Server is available, we recommend
> that [WHS owners] not use the programs listed in this article to save
> or edit program-specific files that are stored on a Windows Home
> Server-based system," Microsoft suggested....
> The file corruption bug is a very serious problem for both WHS owners
> and Microsoft.
> "File corruption on a server simply shouldn't happen," said Rob
> Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group....
> For Microsoft, this is the third product the company has rolled out
> this year that contained significant flaws in its code, said Michael
> Cherry, lead analyst at Directions on Microsoft. Problems with the
> Xbox 360 Latest News about Xbox 360 will cost the company US$1 billion
> to correct, and a bevy of issues with its Windows Vista operating
> system has frustrated early adopters of the software....
> "When you look at Vista and some of the problems it is having, you
> might be able to conclude that quality really doesn't matter, and
> Microsoft just wants to get the product into the channel at a certain
> time in the sales cycle, and that basically any problems they are
> finding they will either downplay their importance or claim they only
> occur in really rare circumstances," Cherry told TechNewsWorld.
> The fundamental claim that quality is their No. 1 priority and that
> customers tell Microsoft when quality is good enough cannot be the
> case, Cherry stated, because customers do not want their photographs
> destroyed....
> The Xbox, Vista and Home Server cases have already started to
> undermine confidence in Microsoft's products, Cherry continued.
> [Extended comments on poor quality testing at Microsoft...]
> </Quote>
> http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/60986.html

Another shreds remark from the one-man analyst firm, Enderle "file corruption
shouldn't happen" Group.

Forget about liability by the way. I'm sure Microsoft stuck something into the
EULA, so even if your tax data gets corrupted and the business reaches
bankruptcy, Microsoft will look the other way.

It's a recurring pattern, so make no mistake.

Microsoft shipped OneCare unfinished?

,----[ Quote ]
| Since shipping in May, OneCare has failed industry tests and exposed
| users to attack because of a security flaw in the antivirus engine.
| The application also incorrectly flagged Gmail as a virus and in some
| cases quarantined or even deleted complete in-boxes when a single
| e-mail was laden with a virus. 


Microsoft using early Vista users as guinea pigs?

,----[ Quote ]
| Interesting to read in the International Herald Tribune this week
| about Microsoft hitting a 'crisis of confidence' with its new Vista
| operating system.
| [...]
| Sounds familiar? Your bet - it's almost an exact re-run of the
| security issues that affected Windows XP in its earliest days.
| Microsoft wouldn't be using its Vista users - as it did with XP -
| as guinea pigs, now would it?...


I've been reading about Server 2008 and it'll be equally bad.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Othello for Win32/Linux: http://othellomaster.com
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