On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 14:55:00 -0500, Jerry McBride wrote:
> Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz has sunk to a new low in his creative subject writing, or
>> this case creative picture taking.
> http://digg.com/linux_unix/NXP_and_Purple_Labs_Unveil_First_Sub_100_3G_Linux_Mobiles
>> What a fscking incompetent boob this Roy Schestowitz is.
>> P.S. I'd say the picture is part of your porn collection, Roy Schestowitz,
>> but we all know that's an impossibility now. Don't we?
> What's pornographic about that picture anyways? She's fully clothed... Can't
> you find something else to complain about and... are you stalking Roy?
One man's porn is another homosexual's disgust.
Stalking Roy Schestowitz?
*I'm* not the one continually writing letters to various blogs to get
people banned.
That's Roy Schestowitz.
The interesting part is that the people monitoring these things are
generally low level smurfs and they almost always make the mistake of
including the complainers name, or enough of their message, to make
figuring out who wrote it easy.
With Schestowitz, that's just icing on the cake though as he admitted doing
He whines all the time on various sites about people burying his comments.
Most people don't like paranoid nutball and Roy is certianly a class a
If Roy Schestowitz doesn't wish to be a topic of discussion, he should stop
spamming his name, website, blogs and other tripe to every corner of the
As long as Roy Schestowitz continues to be paid to spew SPAM, lies and
libel to every corner of the Internet, he is fair game.
If it's too hot for him, maybe he should consider another career?
Maybe as a lingerie model?
And another thing, if he thinks it's too hot now, wait until the big guns
are aimed his way.
You know, the very corporations he is making unsubstantiated claims
It's only a matter of time and that, Jerry, will be where the real fun
But not for poor Roy.
And BTW if it came down to Roy's free speech, I would be there defending
his rights as well.
However, free speech does not include the level that Roy Schestowitz is
operating at, IOW the professional SPAMMER sullying the reputation of
various companies and people he doesn't like.
>Get a life... and get out of COLA...
Why? Because you say so?
You're another nut like Schestowitz and Kent.
The Linux can is full of them, nuts that is.