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Re: Federal Employment Office switches to Linux

____/ Peter Köhlmann on Wednesday 23 January 2008 08:57 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> ____/ jim on Wednesday 23 January 2008 04:29 : \____
> < snip >
>>> Is OPENSuse (possibly poisoned) under the same Microsoft licensing
>>> agreement that Microsoft reached with Novell concerning SUSE?
>> There is a more accurate assessment of this in Groklaw (search for "pledge
>> to opensuse developers"), but the impression that I get is that Microsoft
>> puts of them sheep in the same pen. OpenSUSE is merely helping Novell
>> build SLES and SLED, which are just Microsoft cash cows.
> Roy, they are *not* MS cash cows.
> Novell has a net profit from that agreement with MS
> You might disagree with their stance, but fact is that companies thinking of
> using linux tend to think rather different about that matter. They prefer
> dealing with Novell precisely because they interoperate with MS

Okay, I won't argue with you on this subject, but I *do* hope that you are
aware of the fact that  for each sale of SLED and SLES Microsoft *does* get
paid. The deal with Novell made it explicit that the payment is for software
patents, which are illegal in Germany.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    $> sudo root; cd /; rm -rf *.doc
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