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[News] Windows Developer Becomes FOSS Leech

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OpenDomain.org owner: Selfless FOSS helper or domain squatter?

,----[ Quote ]
| Johnson is a consultant and developer who uses Microsoft products to code. He 
| says he wants to "break into the open source world," but doesn't have the 
| skills. He says he decided to give to open source in his own way: by 
| purchasing domain names and providing free use of them to worthy open source 
| projects. Johnson says he is an "anti-squatter," purchasing domains for 
| hundreds of dollars and protecting them from misuse. He asks nothing in 
| return except an acknowledgment and a link to opendomain.org on every page of 
| the sites he licenses.       
| [...]
| Mullenweg, who had no comment for Linux.com, convinced Johnson to hand the 
| domain over to him. "After I gave it to him, he sued me," Johnson says. "I 
| spent a hell of a lot of money on that domain and $30,000 more on lawyers." 
| Mullenweg refused to comment.   
| Johnson admits he made a mistake with the WordPress affair. "He was 
| completely right. He owned the idea of WordPress and I didn't understand that  
| at the time. I think we could have worked it out better." Since that 
| misunderstanding, it seems Johnson has changed his tack with regard to 
| donating domain names to open source projects.   
| [...]
| "I thought I was doing something good with Matt. All my advisors starting 
| saying, 'Hey this is great,' so in the midst of that we bought drupal.com." 
| The Drupal community reacted with disdain when it found out that Johnson had 
| registered drupal.com. "Everybody in the community hated me," Johnson says."   
| "They want to piggy-back on the great reputation of Drupal to get their link 
| on high traffic, high page-rank sites," wrote a forum member at 
| drupal.org. "And they want to do it under the guise of 'open.' What is so 
| open about cybersquatting a domain, then 'benevolently' allowing the people 
| who are busy making the domain valuable to use it..."    
| Johnson says it took a bit of explaining. "When I talked to Dries Buytaert 
| [Drupal's creator and original project leader] he was originally like, 'OK, 
| what are you trying to do? OK, you're contributing in a different way, but 
| you're still contributing." Johnson ended up transferring ownership of 
| drupal.com to Buytaert, and the domain sits unused, though Buytaert commented 
| in a press release that he was "very grateful" for the contribution.     


Another leech:

EU tells UK to deal with Phorm - or else

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Commission has sent a message to the British government, and it 
| reads something like this: "If you don't deal with Phorm, we will." 

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