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[News] Linux Audio Conference 2008 (LAC2008) Begins

  • Subject: [News] Linux Audio Conference 2008 (LAC2008) Begins
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 17:39:20 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
LAC2008 is booted!

,----[ Quote ]
| LAC booting It has started: The Linux Audio Conference 2008 has begun and the 
| first W-LAN-problems have been solved by the most important person here: our 
| sysadmin Bob O’Kane. We had a nice greeting with great talks by Prof. Anthony 
| Moore of KHM and our patron, Cologne’s vice mayor Angela Spizig.   



Why Vista sounds worse

,----[ Quote ]
| Changes to how the latest version of Windows handles audio playback has 
| caused unexpected quality issues for musicians and consumers alike, reports 
| Tim Anderson  



Music Notation Programs: Recent Releases

,----[ Quote ]
| A few weeks ago I promised to bring in some more general news from the world 
| of Linux audio software development. Alas, my plans were ambushed by the 
| happy intrusion of the release of Renoise for Linux, but I'm back on track. 
| As promised, here's more straight reporting on the world of Linux sound and 
| music software, starting with some news about recently released music 
| notation programs.     


Free/Open-source Digital Audio Editors

,----[ Quote ]
| A digital audio editor is a computer application for audio editing or digital 
| audio manipulation. Usually, a digital audio editor allows the user to record 
| and edit audio, mix multiple sound sources/tracks, apply simple or advanced 
| effects or filters, playback sound, and convert different audio file formats 
| and different sound quality levels.    


Renoise For Linux

,----[ Quote
| On January 17 of this year the first beta release of Renoise 1.9.1 was 
| announced. Along with new features and fixes for its Windows and OSX 
| versions, this release includes the first version of Renoise for Linux. This 
| is rather significant news: Renoise is a popular program, with an active 
| community of developers and users in the Win/Mac music worlds, and a native 
| Linux release has been a community priority. The wait is over, so let's see 
| (and hear) what Renoise brings to the Linux audio software party.      


Audio in Linux is awesome

,----[ Quote ]
| I can’t wait for PulseAudio. I’m sure that will make all of this even easier.


Commercial Sound And Music Software For Linux, Part 1

,----[ Quote ]
| As a result of this inquiry I decided to revisit the Linux soundapps site and 
| check up on the commercial sound and music software for Linux. This article 
| reveals and ponders some of the results from that visit.   


Commercial Sound And Music Software For Linux, Part 2

,----[ Quote ]
| I hope this article has been enlightening with regards to the presence of 
| commercially available sound and music software for Linux. Speaking 
| personally, I'd love it if these programs were all free and open-source, but 
| such decisions are best left to the programmers themselves. As mentioned, 
| many of these programmers already contribute to the FOSS community.    


The Sound Of Linux 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| In this article I've selected what I consider to be some of the past year's 
| outstanding achievements in the world of Linux music and sound software. It's 
| not really a "Best Of 2007", it's just my personal choices for what I found 
| most interesting and significant in the past year.   


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