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Re: [News] A Look at GTK+ 3.0, Novell Unleashes Poison Factory

* [H]omer peremptorily fired off this memo:

> I don't have much experience of working with Qt, but from what I've
> read, working with Qt Linguist is a Hell of a lot easier than messing
> around with gettext, but then I'm rather apathetic when it comes to
> multi-lingual support anyway.

gettext seems pretty straightforward, with the help of GNU autotools.

And you can use it in C code.

> From a user's perspective, I find Qt apps to be much more attractive
> than GTK+ though, but I've always found the KDE Desktop to be rather
> ugly, which is what's stopped me from switching from Gnome all these
> years. With KDE4, that might finally change my opinion, and one way or
> another I'm dumping Gnome this year anyway, for political reasons.

All Gnome apps, or just the desktop? <grin>

I'm still enamored of fluxbox, and not ready to load the extra eye

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